Current Semester Graduate Courses

Click on the title for a more information on a specific courses and to see other classes listed under the same course number, like 530 topics classes that usually have multiple listings.

Spring 2025

This course provides a basic introduction to the broad field of biological anthropology. The research interests of biological anthropologists include the history and development of modern evolutionary biology, molecular and population genetics, modern primates, the primate and human fossil record, and modern human biological diversity. Biological Anthropology concentration students are required, and others are encouraged, to enroll concurrently in 1135L. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 3: Physical and Natural Sciences.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Hibben Center 105

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Osbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu318
Fees: $5

This is an introductory course that provides an overview of cultural anthropology as a subfield within the broader discipline of anthropology and as a research approach within the social sciences more generally. The course presents core concepts and methods of cultural anthropology that are used to understand the ways in which human beings organize and experience their lives through distinctive cultural practices. More specifically, this course explores social and cultural differences and similarities around the world through a variety of topics such as: language and communication, economics, ways of making a living, marriage and family, kinship and descent, race, ethnicity, political organization, supernatural beliefs, sex and gender, and globalization. This course ultimately aims to present a broad range of perspectives and practices of various cultural groups from across the globe. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

MWF 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Dane Smith Hall 120

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Muhammad Z Abro - mabro@unm.edu350
Fees: $5

This is an introductory course which provides an overview of the discipline of Linguistic Anthropology. The course will discuss the implications of language within anthropology, as well as within the sciences and social sciences more generally. The course explores the core concepts and methods of linguistic anthropology, such as the basic structure of language, first and second language acquisition, bilingualism, and social and regional variations that are used to help students understand what it means to be human and the role of language in human societies.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

MWF 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Mitchell Hall 120

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Kaitlin T Dotson - kdotson@unm.edu3 Section Full

MWF 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Mitchell Hall 120

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Kelly J Knupp - kknupp01@unm.edu3 Section Full

This class explores different ways of studying and interpreting the past through a survey of archaeology’s historical, theoretical, and methodological development. If you are interested in archaeology as a career (or even just trying out an archaeological field school), this course is critical: it will provide you with the basic tools for conducting archaeological research and with an understanding of the background of the discipline. For this reason, this course is required for Anthropology majors with an Archaeology concentration. Even if you know you don’t want to be an archaeologist, though, this class may interest you. Have you ever wondered how archaeologists know what they know about the past? Are you skeptical about some archaeological claims? Have you ever read a statement about the past and thought, “is this really true?” This class will provide you with the skills, both conceptual and practical, to answer those questions.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

MWF 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Anthropology 178

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Katherine M Peck - kmpeck@unm.edu320
Fees: $5

A course exploring a topic not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
T: Intro Latin Amer Studies
81244Topics Staff 35

This course explores the core principles of human biology from an integrated evolutionary framework, including perspectives from anatomy and physiology, ethnology, primatology, paleoanthropology, ecology, neuroscience, evolutionary medicine, and more.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

TR 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Hibben Center 105

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Ian J Wallace - iwallace@unm.edu364

Archaeology is the systematic study of the human past through material remains. This course introduces students to the physical remains of past societies and compares and contrasts archaeological development in different regions. Students will explore the dynamics of the human past and its influences on contemporary society. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Dane Smith Hall 123

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Jordan E Osborn - joosborn@unm.edu314
Fees: $5

(Also offered as ARTH 506/406) Archaeological and historic art forms of the Plains, Southwest and western regions of North America. {Spring}

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Center for the Arts 1020

Web Enhanced - Lecture
D A Fry - tsalagi@unm.edu32
Fees: $85.5

A survey of past archaeological cultures across the Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico beginning with the initial occupation of humans in the region but focusing on the period from 500 to 2500 years ago. This course provides students with an overview of broad patterns in subsistence, technology, sociopolitical organization, and ritual practice. An emphasis is placed on major culture areas and sites. May include fieldtrips and hands-on activities.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Bandelier Hall East 105

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Hannah V Mattson - hmattson@unm.edu34

A survey of the Near Eastern culture area from the origins of agriculture to the development of Bronze Age civilization. {Offered periodically}

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Anthropology 248

Web Enhanced - Lecture
James L Boone - jboone@unm.edu33

Current topics in ethnology to be explored in experimental seminars.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
T: Medical Anthropology
79892Topics Staff 3 Section Full
Fees: $30
T: Sovereignty Indig Pple &Res
81117Topics Staff 31
Fees: $30

This class contextualizes issues of complex social violence in Colombia by both a broad attention to Colombian history, society and culture, and by literatures that address various kinds of identity formation and dynamism.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

MW 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Anthropology 248

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Les W Field - lesfield@unm.edu3 Section Full

Current topics in sociocultural anthropology to be explored in experimental courses.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
T: Life History

W 2:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Anthropology 150

Web Enhanced - Topics
Suzanne R Oakdale - soakdale@unm.edu32
Fees: $40
T: Sing Ethnography Sardinia

MW 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Hokona Hall/Zuni 373

Web Enhanced - Topics
Kristina M Jacobsen - kmj23@unm.edu35
T: DIYMusEthosAesthetics

TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Center for the Arts 1106

Web Enhanced - Topics
Diego Pani - dpani@unm.edu35
T: Hlth & Soc Inequality Lab

Web Enhanced - Topics
Jessica R Goodkind - jgoodkind@salud.unm.edu35
Fees: $40
T: Hlth & Soc Inequalities II

MW 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Sara Raynolds Hall 101

Web Enhanced - Topics
Jessica R Goodkind - jgoodkind@salud.unm.edu34
Fees: $40

A course exploring a topic not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
T: Into to Flintknapping

TR 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Anthropology 178

Web Enhanced - Topics
Ian J Wallace - iwallace@unm.edu31
Fees: $30
T: Evolution of Inequality
79673Topics Staff 3 Section Full
Fees: $30
T: Kinship in Anthropology
79674Topics Staff 3 Section Full
Fees: $30

This seminar reviews issues in primate taxonomy, functional and behavioral reconstructions, phylogenetic relationships, and macroevolutionary patterns. The intent of this course is to put primates into a broader evolutionary perspective. An undergraduate version of this course may be offered as ANTH 452.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

W 1:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Anthropology 248

Web Enhanced - Seminar
Sherry V Nelson - svnelson@unm.edu310

A laboratory class that explores the application of data from human and non-human dentition to anthropological questions. Topics covered include dental anatomy, development, evolution, variation, and pathology. Prerequisite: 1135.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

TR 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Anthropology 176

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Heather J Edgar - hedgar@salud.unm.edu43

A course exploring a topic not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
Adv T: Pre-Columb Art: S Amer

TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Center for the Arts 1019

Web Enhanced - Topics
Margaret A Jackson - mars@unm.edu32
Fees: $72.5
Adv T: Reimagining Anthro Muse

T 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Hibben Center 320

Web Enhanced - Topics
Carla Sinopoli - csinopoli@unm.edu33
Adv T: Isotopes & Archaeology

W 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Physics & Astronomy Interdis 1010

TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Physics & Astronomy Interdis 1010

Web Enhanced - Topics
Keith M Prufer - kmp@unm.edu32
Fees: $20
T: African Prehistory

TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Anthropology 248

Osbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu310
Fees: $20

Advanced discussion of current theoretical debates in archaeology, including Processual and Post-processual paradigms, formation processes; middle-range, optimal foraging, evolutionary, hunter-gatherer mobility theories; cultural ecology; and origins of agriculture and complex society.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

W 12:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Anthropology Annex 120

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Hannah V Mattson - hmattson@unm.edu35
Fees: $20

Basic concepts, methods and approaches used in the analysis of archaeological pottery. Lectures cover concepts and strategies. Labs give practical experience with techniques of analysis.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

M 1:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Anthropology Annex B07

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Kari L Schleher - kschlehe@unm.edu3 Section Full
Fees: $40

Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Restriction: admitted to M.A. Anthropology or M.S. Anthropology.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
00135704Independent StudyMelissa E Thompson - memery@unm.edu1 TO 324

Independent Study
Catherine R Rhodes - rhodesc@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent Study
Emily L Jones - elj@unm.edu1 TO 325
00431251Independent StudyKari L Schleher - kschlehe@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent Study
Hannah V Mattson - hmattson@unm.edu1 TO 324

Independent Study
Joshua A Shapero - jshapero@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent Study
Ian J Wallace - iwallace@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent Study
Kristina M Jacobsen - kmj23@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent Study
Carla Sinopoli - csinopoli@unm.edu1 TO 325
01231349Independent StudyLoa Traxler - lptraxler@unm.edu1 TO 325
01831351Independent StudyJeffrey C Long - jlo@unm.edu1 TO 325
04331359Independent Study Staff 1 TO 325
04431360Independent StudyWirt H Wills - wwills@unm.edu1 TO 325
04931362Independent StudyPatricia L Crown - pcrown@unm.edu1 TO 325
05231363Independent StudyLes W Field - lesfield@unm.edu1 TO 325
05631539Independent StudyJordan E Osborn - joosborn@unm.edu1 TO 325
06131541Independent StudyDavid W Dinwoodie - ddinwood@unm.edu1 TO 325
06431542Independent StudySuzanne R Oakdale - soakdale@unm.edu1 TO 325
06631543Independent StudyOsbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu1 TO 325
07631545Independent StudyHeather J Edgar - hedgar@salud.unm.edu1 TO 325
07831546Independent StudyDavid A Phillips - dap@unm.edu1 TO 325
08031547Independent StudyKeith L Hunley - khunley@unm.edu1 TO 325
08534501Independent StudyMichael W Graves - mwgraves@unm.edu1 TO 325
08734502Independent StudyKeith M Prufer - kmp@unm.edu1 TO 325
09534503Independent StudyMartin N Muller - muller@unm.edu1 TO 325
09635094Independent StudyFrances M Hayashida - fmh@unm.edu1 TO 325
09734504Independent StudySherry V Nelson - svnelson@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent Study
Staff 1 TO 325

A faculty-supervised course culminating in a comprehensive paper or research proposal that integrates knowledge attained through coursework, research, and experience. Restriction: admitted to M.A. Anthropology or M.S. Anthropology.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
00135705Independent StudyMelissa E Thompson - memery@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Joshua A Shapero - jshapero@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Ian J Wallace - iwallace@unm.edu325
00431557Independent StudyKari L Schleher - kschlehe@unm.edu324

Independent Study
Catherine R Rhodes - rhodesc@unm.edu325
01231565Independent StudyLoa Traxler - lptraxler@unm.edu325
01831569Independent StudyJordan E Osborn - joosborn@unm.edu325
04331580Independent StudyAngelyn Bass - angelyn@unm.edu325
04431581Independent StudyWirt H Wills - wwills@unm.edu325
04931582Independent StudyPatricia L Crown - pcrown@unm.edu325
05231585Independent StudyLes W Field - lesfield@unm.edu325
05631587Independent StudyGrant J Snitker - gsnitker@unm.edu324
06131590Independent StudyDavid W Dinwoodie - ddinwood@unm.edu325
06431592Independent StudySuzanne R Oakdale - soakdale@unm.edu325
06631594Independent StudyOsbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu325
07631607Independent StudyHeather J Edgar - hedgar@salud.unm.edu325
07831612Independent StudyLea S McChesney - lsmcches@unm.edu325
08031666Independent StudyKeith L Hunley - khunley@unm.edu325
08534506Independent StudyMichael W Graves - mwgraves@unm.edu324
08734507Independent StudyKeith M Prufer - kmp@unm.edu325
09534508Independent StudyMartin N Muller - muller@unm.edu324
09635095Independent StudyFrances M Hayashida - fmh@unm.edu325
09734509Independent StudySherry V Nelson - svnelson@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Emily L Jones - elj@unm.edu324

Independent Study
Staff 325

Independent Study
Hannah V Mattson - hmattson@unm.edu325

Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

Hannah V Mattson - hmattson@unm.edu1 TO 625

Joshua A Shapero - jshapero@unm.edu1 TO 625

Ian J Wallace - iwallace@unm.edu1 TO 625
00431714ThesisKari L Schleher - kschlehe@unm.edu1 TO 625

Catherine R Rhodes - rhodesc@unm.edu1 TO 625
01231735ThesisLoa Traxler - lptraxler@unm.edu1 TO 625
01831749ThesisJeffrey C Long - jlo@unm.edu1 TO 625
04331829ThesisHillard S Kaplan - hkaplan@unm.edu1 TO 625
04431833ThesisWirt H Wills - wwills@unm.edu1 TO 625
04931835ThesisPatricia L Crown - pcrown@unm.edu1 TO 625
05231836ThesisLes W Field - lesfield@unm.edu1 TO 625
05631841ThesisJordan E Osborn - joosborn@unm.edu1 TO 625
06131852ThesisDavid W Dinwoodie - ddinwood@unm.edu1 TO 625
06431855ThesisSuzanne R Oakdale - soakdale@unm.edu1 TO 624
06631858ThesisOsbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu1 TO 625
07031878ThesisFrances M Hayashida - fmh@unm.edu1 TO 625
07831898ThesisDavid A Phillips - dap@unm.edu1 TO 625
08031909ThesisKeith L Hunley - khunley@unm.edu1 TO 625
08534511ThesisMichael W Graves - mwgraves@unm.edu1 TO 625
08734512ThesisKeith M Prufer - kmp@unm.edu1 TO 625
09534513ThesisMartin N Muller - muller@unm.edu1 TO 625
09734514ThesisSherry V Nelson - svnelson@unm.edu1 TO 625

Emily L Jones - elj@unm.edu1 TO 625

Staff 1 TO 625

Examine how behavior evolves in cognitively complex species and explores the significance of similarities in behavior between humans and other primates.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

M 10:00 AM - 12:45 PM
Physics & Astronomy Interdis 2310

Web Enhanced - Seminar
Martin N Muller - muller@unm.edu39

Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Limited to graduate majors in the doctoral program.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
00135706Independent StudyMelissa E Thompson - memery@unm.edu1 TO 323

Web Enhanced - Independent Study
Frances M Hayashida - fmh@unm.edu1 TO 324

Independent Study
Hannah V Mattson - hmattson@unm.edu1 TO 325
00431950Independent StudyKari L Schleher - kschlehe@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent Study
Joshua A Shapero - jshapero@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent Study
Ian J Wallace - iwallace@unm.edu1 TO 324

Independent Study
Catherine R Rhodes - rhodesc@unm.edu1 TO 323

Independent Study
Carla Sinopoli - csinopoli@unm.edu1 TO 325
01831965Independent StudyJeffrey C Long - jlo@unm.edu1 TO 325
04332003Independent StudyJordan E Osborn - joosborn@unm.edu1 TO 325
04432005Independent StudyWirt H Wills - wwills@unm.edu1 TO 325
04932007Independent StudyPatricia L Crown - pcrown@unm.edu1 TO 325
05232010Independent StudyLes W Field - lesfield@unm.edu1 TO 323
05632013Independent StudyKristina M Jacobsen - kmj23@unm.edu1 TO 325
06132021Independent StudyDavid W Dinwoodie - ddinwood@unm.edu1 TO 325
06432026Independent StudySuzanne R Oakdale - soakdale@unm.edu1 TO 324
06632030Independent StudyOsbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu1 TO 325
07632047Independent StudyHeather J Edgar - hedgar@salud.unm.edu1 TO 325
07832051Independent StudyDavid A Phillips - dap@unm.edu1 TO 325
08032055Independent StudyKeith L Hunley - khunley@unm.edu1 TO 325
08534515Independent StudyMichael W Graves - mwgraves@unm.edu1 TO 324
08734516Independent StudyKeith M Prufer - kmp@unm.edu1 TO 325
09534517Independent StudyMartin N Muller - muller@unm.edu1 TO 325
09734518Independent StudySherry V Nelson - svnelson@unm.edu1 TO 324

Independent Study
Emily L Jones - elj@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent Study
Staff 1 TO 325

Independent Study
Jane B Lancaster - jlancas@unm.edu1 TO 325

A faculty-supervised course culminating in a comprehensive paper or research proposal that integrates knowledge attained through coursework, research, and experience. Limited to graduate majors in the doctoral program.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
00135707Independent StudyMelissa E Thompson - memery@unm.edu322

Independent Study
Loa Traxler - lptraxler@unm.edu324

Independent Study
Hannah V Mattson - hmattson@unm.edu324
00432206Independent StudyKari L Schleher - kschlehe@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Joshua A Shapero - jshapero@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Ian J Wallace - iwallace@unm.edu324

Independent Study
Catherine R Rhodes - rhodesc@unm.edu322

Independent Study
Carla Sinopoli - csinopoli@unm.edu325
03532233Independent StudyJeffrey C Long - jlo@unm.edu325
04332239Independent StudyJordan E Osborn - joosborn@unm.edu325
04432242Independent StudyWirt H Wills - wwills@unm.edu325
04932244Independent StudyPatricia L Crown - pcrown@unm.edu325
05232245Independent StudyLes W Field - lesfield@unm.edu325
05632247Independent StudyKristina M Jacobsen - kmj23@unm.edu324
06132249Independent StudyDavid W Dinwoodie - ddinwood@unm.edu324
06432250Independent StudySuzanne R Oakdale - soakdale@unm.edu324
06632251Independent StudyOsbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu325
07632260Independent StudyHeather J Edgar - hedgar@salud.unm.edu325
07832262Independent StudyDavid A Phillips - dap@unm.edu325
08032264Independent StudyKeith L Hunley - khunley@unm.edu325
08134451Web Enhanced - Independent StudyFrances M Hayashida - fmh@unm.edu324
08534520Independent StudyMichael W Graves - mwgraves@unm.edu324
08734521Independent StudyKeith M Prufer - kmp@unm.edu324
09534522Independent StudyMartin N Muller - muller@unm.edu325
09734523Independent StudySherry V Nelson - svnelson@unm.edu324

Independent Study
Emily L Jones - elj@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Staff 325

Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a doctoral dissertation. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

David A Phillips - dap@unm.edu3 TO 1225

Frances M Hayashida - fmh@unm.edu3 TO 1225

Lawrence G Straus - lstraus@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00432394DissertationKari L Schleher - kschlehe@unm.edu3 TO 1225

Staff 3 TO 125

Staff 3 TO 1210

Staff 3 TO 1225

Joshua A Shapero - jshapero@unm.edu3 TO 1225

Ian J Wallace - iwallace@unm.edu3 TO 1225

Catherine R Rhodes - rhodesc@unm.edu3 TO 1222

Carla Sinopoli - csinopoli@unm.edu3 TO 1223
01232396DissertationMelissa E Thompson - memery@unm.edu3 TO 1221

Staff 3 TO 1225
01832398DissertationJeffrey C Long - jlo@unm.edu3 TO 1225
04332420Dissertation Staff 3 TO 1225
04432422DissertationWirt H Wills - wwills@unm.edu3 TO 1225
04932429DissertationPatricia L Crown - pcrown@unm.edu3 TO 1221
05232432DissertationLes W Field - lesfield@unm.edu3 TO 1221
05632434DissertationJordan E Osborn - joosborn@unm.edu3 TO 1225
06132437DissertationDavid W Dinwoodie - ddinwood@unm.edu3 TO 1224
06432438DissertationSuzanne R Oakdale - soakdale@unm.edu3 TO 1222
06632439DissertationOsbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu3 TO 1223
07632442DissertationHeather J Edgar - hedgar@salud.unm.edu3 TO 1223
08032444DissertationKeith L Hunley - khunley@unm.edu3 TO 1225
08534525DissertationMichael W Graves - mwgraves@unm.edu3 TO 1223
08734526DissertationKeith M Prufer - kmp@unm.edu3 TO 1222
09534527DissertationMartin N Muller - muller@unm.edu3 TO 1224
09734528DissertationSherry V Nelson - svnelson@unm.edu3 TO 1225

Emily L Jones - elj@unm.edu3 TO 1222

Jane B Lancaster - jlancas@unm.edu3 TO 1225

Hannah V Mattson - hmattson@unm.edu3 TO 1223