Emeriti Faculty
Richard A Barrett
Associate Professor
PhD, University of Michigan (1970)
Garth L Bawden
Professor; Chair, Department of Anthropology (2005-2006)
Director, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology (1988-2005)
PhD, Harvard University (1977)
- Email:
- gbawden@unm.edu
James Boone

- Email:
- jboone@unm.edu
- Phone:
- 505-990-4514
- Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Research:
Complex societies, evolutionary ecology; Europe, Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, Medieval Period.
Patricia L Crown

Leslie Spier Distinguished Professor Emerita
Ceramics Analysis Lab
- Email:
- pcrown@unm.edu
- Phone:
- 505-277-6689
- Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Research:
Southwestern US Archaeology, ceramic analysis, archaeology of childhood, gender in archaeology.
Patrick F Hogan
Research Associate Professor
PhD, Washington State University (1987)
- Email:
- phogan@unm.edu
Hillard Kaplan
PhD, University of Utah-Salt Lake City (1983)
Louise Lamphere

Distinguished Professor
Director, Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies
PhD, Harvard University (1968)
Jane Lancaster

Distinguished Professor
Editor, Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective
- Email:
- jlancas@unm.edu
- Phone:
- (505) 990-8536
- Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Research:
Primate social behavior, evolution of human behavior, reproductive biology, parental investment, life history.
Jeffrey Long

Evolutionary Anthropology
Director, Genetics Computation Lab
- Email:
- jlo@unm.edu
- Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Research:
Molecular population genetics and evolution, complex traits, statistical genetics, human evolution
Carole Nagengast
Chair, Department of Anthropology (2002-2005)
PhD, University of California-Irvine (1985)
- Email:
- cnagenga@unm.edu
Sylvia Rodriguez
Director, Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies
PhD, Stanford University (1981)
- Email:
- sylrodri@unm.edu
Karl H Schwerin
Chair, Department of Anthropology (1987-1993)
PhD, University of California-Los Angeles (1965)
- Email:
- schwerin@unm.edu
James M Sebring
Associate Professor
PhD, University of California-Berkeley (1968)
Beverly R Singer
Associate Professor of Anthropology and Native American Studies
Director, Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies
PhD, University of New Mexico (1996)
- Email:
- mesa@unm.edu
Lawrence Straus

Leslie Spier Distinguished Professor (Emeritus)
Editor, Journal of Anthropological Research
- Email:
- lstraus@unm.edu
- Phone:
- 505-277-6688
- Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Research:
Paleolithic prehistory, paleoanthropology, archaeology of caves, lithic analysis; Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium.
David Stuart

Associate Provost Emeritus
- Email:
- dstuart@unm.edu
- Phone:
- 505-265-5459
Areas of Research:
Settlement patterns, ecological adaptations, energy and evolution, ethnoarchaeology of US Southwest; Modern Mexico/US Borderlands.
Wirt Wills

Professor and Regents' Lecturer
Director, Chaco Canyon Archaeological Research Lab
- Email:
- wwills@unm.edu
- Phone:
- 505-277-5005
- Curriculum Vitae
Areas of Research:
Foraging and early farming societies, economic organization, religion and emergent social complexity, 19th-century Spanish colonial archaeology; US Southwest.