Affiliated Faculty
Affiliated Faculty are individuals who “are professional staff of the University who may teach on an occasional, limited, course-by-course basis.” They are expected to contribute to the mission of the Department in at least one of the following ways: teaching, student advisement, serving on graduate committees, serving on faculty search committees, and/or collaboration with students and/or faculty.Angelyn Bass

Research Assistant Professor
Principal Investigator, Archaeological Sites Conservation Grants
MS, University of Pennsylvania (1998)
Ronda Brulotte

UNM Geography and Environmental Studies and Latin American Studies
Secondary Appointment Anthropology
PhD, University of Texas at Austin (2006)
Julie Griffin Salvador

UNM Department of Psychiatry, Center for Rural and Community Behavioral Health
Secondary Appointment Anthropology
PhD, University of New Mexico (2001)
Shirley Heying

Adjunct Assistant Professor (appointed via Letter of Academic Title)
Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico Gallup
PhD, University of New Mexico (2012)
Lisa Huckell
Adjunct Research Associate Professor (appointed via Letter of Academic Title)
Research Associate, Herbarium, UNM Department of Biology
MA, University of Arizona (1994)
Kristina M Jacobsen

UNM Department of Music
Secondary Appointment Anthropology; Affiliation with American Studies
PhD, Duke University (2012)
- Email:
- Phone:
- (505) 277-1829
- Curriculum Vitae
Aaron Lenihan

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor (appointed via Letter of Academic Title)
Research Scientist, Center for Applied Research and Analysis
PhD, University of Georgia (2021)
Lea McChesney

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor (appointed via Letter of Academic Title)
PhD, New York University (2003)
Alexis O'Donnell

Adjunct Assistant Professor (appointed via Letter of Academic Title)
Assistant Professor, UNM HSC College of Population Health
PhD, University of New Mexico (2019)
Tryphenia B Peele-Eady

UNM College of Education, Department of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies
Secondary Appointment Anthropology; Director, College of Education Multicultural Education Center
PhD, Claremont Graduate University (2005)
- Email:
Shawn Penman

Adjunct Assistant Professor (appointed via Letter of Academic Title)
GIS Specialist/Programmer, UNM Earth Data Analysis Center
PhD, University of New Mexico (2002)
Matthew Schmader

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor (appointed via Letter of Academic Title)
Research Scientist 3, UNM Department of Anthropology
PhD, University of New Mexico (1994)
Micayla Spiros

Post Doctoral Fellow, Cold Case Resolutions for the State of New Mexico
PhD, Michigan State University (2024)
Michael Trujillo

UNM American Studies Department
Secondary Appointment Anthropology
- Email:
Cathleen Willging
Adjunct Associate Professor (appointed via Letter of Academic Title)
PhD, Rutgers University (1999)