Alysia Abbott
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Dissertation Title:
Effects of Evolutionary Processes on Lithic Raw Material Procurement and Use During the Puebloan Period at Bosson Wash, Zuni, NM
John J Adair
Graduated: PhD, 1948
Dissertation Title:
A Study of Cultural Resistance: The Veterans of World War II at Zuni Pueblo
Abigail Adams
Graduated: PhD, 2009
Dissertation Title:
A Choice Ideology and the Parameters of Its Practice: Abortion Narratives Access in New Mexico
Kristen Adler
Graduated: PhD, 2011
Dissertation Title:
Making Modernity: Ideological Pluralism and Political Process in Zinacantán
Jill Ahlberg Yohe
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Dissertation Title:
The Social Life of Weaving in a Contemporary Navajo Community
Kaoru Akoshima
Graduated: PhD, 1993
Dissertation Title:
Microwear Patterns and Distributional Variability in Terminal Site Structure
Rani Alexander
Graduated: PhD, 1993
Dissertation Title:
Colonial Period Archaeology of the Parroquia de Yaxcaba, Yucatan, Mexico: An Ethnohistorical and Site Structural Analysis
A M Allen
Graduated: PhD, 2000
Dissertation Title:
Making Whiteness: Contested White Hegemony in the Late Twentieth-Century Madison, Wisconsin
Wesley Allen Arave
Graduated: PhD, 2020
Dissertation Title:
The Sociality of Charitable Giving in an Evolutionary Perspective
Asia Alsgaard

Graduated: PhD, 2022
Dissertation Title:
The Role of Coastal Resource Stability in the Transition to Agriculture, Soconusco, Mexico
Louis C Alvarado
Graduated: PhD, 2015
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Men’s Life History, Testosterone, and Health
Michael Alvard
Graduated: PhD, 1993
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Testing the Ecological Noble Savage Hypothesis: Faunal Resource Use by the Piro of Amazonian Peru
Daniel Amick
Graduated: PhD, 1994
Dissertation Title:
Folsom Diet Breadth and Land Use in the American Southwest
Charles W Amsden
Graduated: PhD, 1977
Dissertation Title:
A Quantitative Analysis of Nunamiut Eskimo Settlement Dynamics, 1898-1969
John Anderson
Graduated: PhD, 2010
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Human Skull: Definition by Integrationist and Modular Models
Kermyt Anderson
Graduated: PhD, 1999
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Paternal Care, Divorce and Step Fathers: Analyses of Parental Behavior by Anglo, Hispanic, and Xhosa Men in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Cape Town, South Africa
Veronica Arias
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Dissertation Title:
Applications of GIS and Spatial Data Modeling to Archaeology: A Case Study in the American Southwest
Phillip J Arnold
Graduated: PhD, 1988
Dissertation Title:
The Household Potters of Los Tuxtlas: An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Ceramic Production and Site Structure
J Stephen Athens
Graduated: PhD, 1978
Dissertation Title:
Evolutionary Process in Complex Societies and the Late Period Cara Occupation of Northern Highland Ecuador
Anna Backer
Graduated: PhD, 1994
Dissertation Title:
Changing Uses of a Rockshelter: Site Structure of Saint-Cesaire
Elizabeth Bagwell
Graduated: PhD, 2006
Dissertation Title:
Domestic Architectural Production in Northwest Mexico
Jack Baker
Graduated: PhD, 2006
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Evolutionary Ecology of Thrifty Metabolism: Early-Life Signals of Environmental Instability and Later Body Composition in Humans
B Baker Cristales
Graduated: PhD, 1999
Dissertation Title:
El Hermano Lejano”: The Transnational Space of Salvadoran Migration to the United States
Thomas Barrett
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Dissertation Title:
Tuxtlas Obsidian: Organization and Change in a Regional Craft Industry
Nicholas Barron

Graduated: PhD, 2019
Dissertation Title:
Applying Anthropology, Assembling Indigenous Community: Anthropology and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe in Southern Arizona
David Battan
Graduated: PhD, 1993
Dissertation Title:
Factors in the Growth of Cities: Transportation and Supply in Preindustrial Europe
Alicia Becenti
Graduated: MA (Public Archaeology), 2020
Public Archaeology
Dissertation Title:
Understanding the Development of Dine Butchering Practice: A Study of Carcass Reduction at 18th Century Pueblito Sites
T M Becker
Graduated: PhD, 1986
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Anthropology of Infection and Disease: The Ecology of Herpes Virus Infection Among the Navajo
Steven Beckerman
Graduated: PhD, 1975
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Cultural Energetics of the Bari (Motilones Bravos) of Northern Columbia
Karl Benedict
Graduated: PhD, 2004
Dissertation Title:
Settlement and Subsistence in the Western Anasazi Core Area: Development and Assessment of a Risk-Response Model
Jada Benn Torres

Graduated: PhD, 2006
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
African Ancestry and Admixture Estimates throughout the Anglophone Caribbean
Tara L Beresh

Graduated: MA (Public Archaeology), 2021
Public Archaeology
Dissertation Title:
A Comparative Analysis of Sandals from Feather Cave, and Similar Sites in South-Central New Mexico
Bruce Bernstein
Graduated: PhD, 1993
Dissertation Title:
The Marketing of Culture: Pottery and Santa Fe's Indian Market
J Bock
Graduated: PhD, 1996
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Determinants of Variation in Children's Activities in a Southern African Community
Debra Boehm
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Dissertation Title:
'De Ambos Lados/From Both Sides': Gender, Family and Nation Among Transnational Mexicans
Adam M Boyd
Graduated: PhD, 2016
Dissertation Title:
A GIS-Based Investigation into Social Violence and Settlement Patterns in the Gallina Area of the American Southwest
Jennifer B Boyd Dyer
Graduated: PhD, 2010
Dissertation Title:
Colona Wares in the Western Spanish Borderlands: A Ceramic Technological Study
Holly Brause

Graduated: PhD, 2021
Dissertation Title:
Cultivating the Future: Globalized Competition and Environmental Interactions in the New Mexico Chile Industry
Sheila L Brock
Graduated: PhD, 1985
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Biomechanical Adaptation of the Lower Limb Bones through Time in the Prehistoric Southwest
Sean Bruna
Graduated: PhD, 2014
Dissertation Title:
Sowing Seeds for the Future with Tigua History and Tradition: Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Management Practices at Ysleta del Sur Pueblo
Briggs Buchannan
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Dissertation Title:
Cultural Transmission and Stone Tools: A Study of Early Paleoindian Technology in North America
Oskar Burger
Graduated: PhD, 2009
Dissertation Title:
Ecological Constraints and Life History Tradeoffs Among Human Foragers and Their Prey
G R Burgett
Graduated: PhD, 1990
Dissertation Title:
The Bones of the Beast: Resolving Questions of Faunal Assemblage Formation Processes through Actualistic Research
Nancy Burke
Graduated: PhD, 2001
Dissertation Title:
Cuban Refugees, Strategies of Incorporation, Santeria Religious Practice
Wendy Bustard
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Dissertation Title:
Chacoan Space As Place: Small and Great House Spatial Organization A.D. 1000-1150
Steven N Byers
Graduated: PhD, 1992
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Relationship Between Stress Markers and Adult Body Size
R H Byles
Graduated: PhD, 1970
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
A Study of the Relationship between Biological and Cultural Diversity in North American Indians
E L Camilli
Graduated: PhD, 1983
Dissertation Title:
Site Occupation History and Lithic Assemblage: An Example from Southeastern Utah
Karen Cantrell
Graduated: PhD, 1983
Dissertation Title:
The Negotiation of Marriage and Affinity: Jicarilla Apache Women and the Family
Jennifer Cardinal
Graduated: PhD, 2017
Dissertation Title:
Paradise Found? Local Cosmopolitanism, Lifestyle Migrant Emplacement, and Imaginaries of Sustainable Development in La Manzanilla de Mar, Mexico
Andrew W Carey
Graduated: PhD, 2016
Dissertation Title:
Questions of Sovereignty: Pyramid Lake and the Northern Paiute Struggle for Water and Rights
Charles M Carrillo
Graduated: PhD, 1996
Dissertation Title:
Hispanic Pottery as Evidence of Craft Specialization in Late Colonial New Mexico, 1790-1890
Jara Carrington
Graduated: PhD, 2017
Dissertation Title:
Ambivalent Subjects in Neoliberal Times: Non-Governmental Organizations and Binational Same Sex Couples in the United States
Elizabeth Carson
Graduated: PhD, 2006
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Genetic and Environmental Components of Human Microevolution in Pleistocene and Holocene Australia
Thomas Carter
Graduated: PhD, 2001
Dissertation Title:
Playing Hardball: Constructions of Cuban Identity
Milena Carvalho

Graduated: PhD, 2021
Dissertation Title:
Neanderthal Ecology in Western Iberia: The Case from Lapa Do Picareiro
Elizabeth A Cashdan
Graduated: PhD, 1979
Dissertation Title:
Trade and Reciprocity Among the River Bushmen of Northern Botswana
Dorothy J Cattle
Graduated: PhD, 1977
Dissertation Title:
Nutritional Security and the Strategy of Purchasing: The Coastal Miskito Indians, Eastern Nicaragua
Nicholas Chapin
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Dissertation Title:
Hunter-Gatherer Technological Organization: The Archaic Period in Northern New Mexico
Richard C Chapman
Graduated: PhD, 1980
Dissertation Title:
The Archaic Period of the American Southwest, Facts and Fantasy
Michelle Chino
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Determinants and Outcomes of Age at First Reproduction Among a Cohort of American Indian Women
Michael Church
Graduated: PhD, 2012
Dissertation Title:
Florentine Palaces, Costly Signaling, and Lineage Survival
Steven Churchill
Graduated: PhD, 1994
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Human Upper Body Evolution in the Eurasian Later Pleistocene
Kaila Cogdill
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Dissertation Title:
Looking Forward Rather than Backward: Cultural Revitalization at the Poeh Cultural Center and Museum
Cyler Conrad

Graduated: PhD, 2018
Dissertation Title:
Mainland Southeast Asia in the Longue Duree: A Zooarchaeolgical Test of the 'Broad Spectrum Revolution' in Northern Thailand
Connie Constan
Graduated: PhD, 2011
Dissertation Title:
Ceramic Resource Selection and Social Violence in the Gallina Area of the American Southwest
Colleen Costin
Graduated: PhD, 1992
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Female/Female Competition Among Captive Tufted Capuchins
Michelle Cristiani
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
A Life-History Perspective on Dating and Courtship Among Albuquerque Adolescents
Diane Crumley
Graduated: PhD, 2000
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Reproductive Competition and Maternal Fat Utilization in Provisioned Vervet Monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus)
Daniel Cummings
Graduated: PhD, 2021
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Age-Related Changes in Energy Usage, Physical Activity, and Horticultural Work in the Tsimane of Bolivia
Shamsi Rebecca Daneshvari

Graduated: PhD, 2011
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Predicting Body Mass from the Skeleton with an Application to the Georgia Coast
James Davenport

Graduated: PhD, 2021
Dissertation Title:
Hand of the Potter, Hand of the State: Pottery Production and Control and Tawantinsuyu
Caitlin Davis
Graduated: PhD, 2019
Dissertation Title:
A Noncoherent Governance: Tinkering with Stones in the Old City of Acre
Helen Davis
Graduated: PhD, 2014
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Variable Education Exposure and Cognitive Task Performance Among the Tsimane of Central Bolivia
Irving Davis
Graduated: PhD, 1960
Dissertation Title:
Grammatical Structure of Santa Ana Keresan
Jutta Dayle
Graduated: PhD, 1987
Dissertation Title:
Family Rituals, Perceived Parental Rejection and the Intergenerational Transmission of Alcoholism
Jocelyn DeHaas
Graduated: PhD, 2006
Dissertation Title:
Negotiating Harmony: Women, Family and Work in Taiwan
Robert Dello Russo
Graduated: PhD, 1999
Dissertation Title:
Climatic Stress in the Middle Rio Grand Valley of New Mexico: An Evaluation of Changes in Foraging Behaviors During the Late Archaic/Basketmaker II Period
Howard J DeNike
Graduated: PhD, 1996
Dissertation Title:
German Unification and the Jurists of East Germany: A Case Study in Law, Nation, and History
E J Devor
Graduated: PhD, 1979
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Historical Demography on the Aland Islands, Finland: The Size and Composition of Households and Families in the Parishes of Finstrom and Kokar from 1760 to 1880
R Dickhaut
Graduated: PhD, 1988
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Electromagnetic Characteristics of Brain Information Processing
William Doleman
Graduated: PhD, 1995
Dissertation Title:
Human and Natural Landscapes: Archaeological Distributions in the Southern Tularosa Basin
Jonathan Dombrosky

Graduated: PhD, 2021
Dissertation Title:
Effects of Environmental Change on Ancestral Pueblo Fishing in The Middle Rio Grande
Steven Dominguez
Graduated: PhD, 2000
Dissertation Title:
Analyzing The Hydrologic Functions Of Some Prehistoric Agricultural Features
Christopher Dore
Graduated: PhD, 1996
Dissertation Title:
Archaeological Variability and Community Organization: An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Sculoc, Campeche, Mexico
Wetherbee Dorshow
Graduated: PhD, 2012
Dissertation Title:
Predictive Geospatial Modeling for Archaeological Research and Conservation, Galisteo Basin, Vermont, and Chaco Canyon
Brandon Lee Drake
Graduated: PhD, 2012
Dissertation Title:
New Paleoclimate Reconstruction Techniques in Archaeology: Applications in Greece, New Mexico, and Portugal
Neale Draper
Graduated: PhD, 1992
Dissertation Title:
Cape du Couedic Rockshelter and the Aboriginal Archaeology of Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Elizabeth Taylor Dressel Hoobler
Graduated: PhD, 1986
Dissertation Title:
To Be 'Old' or Not to Be 'Old': Exploring Lifestyle Variations and Their Implications for Age Identity
Elizabeth Eadie
Graduated: PhD, 2012
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Feeding Ecology and Life History Strategies of White-Faced Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus capuninus)
Amy C Earls
Graduated: PhD, 1985
Dissertation Title:
The Organization of Piro Pueblo Subsistence, AD 1300-1680
Anna East
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Dissertation Title:
Reproduction and Prenatal Care in Arizona Prehistory: An Examination of Patterns of Health in Perinates and Children at Grasshopper, Point of Pines, and Turkey Creek Pueblos
James I Ebert
Graduated: PhD, 1986
Dissertation Title:
Distributional Archaeology: Nonsite Discovery, Recording, and Analytical Methods for Application to the Surface Archaeological Record
Drew Enigk

Graduated: PhD, 2021
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Behavioral Strategies of Social Relationship Formation and Competition Among Adolescent and Adult Male Chimpanzees at Kanyawara, Kibale National Park, Uganda
J G Enloe
Graduated: PhD, 1991
Dissertation Title:
Subsistence Organization in the Upper Paleolithic: Carcass Refitting and Food Sharing at Pincevent
T Estenson
Graduated: PhD, 2004
Dissertation Title:
Functional Constraints on Morphology of the Pharynx
J Robert Estes
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Dissertation Title:
Middle-Range Research into the Organization of Production and Product Standardization in Mata Ortiz, Chihuahua
Andrea Evans Cooper
Graduated: PhD, 2007
Dissertation Title:
Status, Alliances, and Health in the Workplace
G J Fedirchuk
Graduated: PhD, 1975
Dissertation Title:
Functional Analysis of Juliian Technology Fisherman Lake, Northwest Territories
T J Ferguson
Graduated: PhD, 1993
Dissertation Title:
A Formal Analysis of Architectural Space in the Historic Zuni Settlement System
María del Pilar File-Muriel

Graduated: PhD, 2022
Dissertation Title:
Relational Peace in Colombia: An Ethnography of Multi-Scalar Affective Relations Among Peace Practitioners
H L Firestone
Graduated: PhD, 1962
Dissertation Title:
A Description and Classification of Siriono, A Tupi-Guarani Language
Kristin Fitzgerald
Graduated: PhD, 2018
Dissertation Title:
'We Practice Lakota Way, But We Are Not An Indian Church:' The Diverse Ways Lakota Christians Articulate, Perform and Translate Ethnicity in Congregational Life
Cheryl K Fogle Hatch
Graduated: PhD, 2015
Dissertation Title:
Explanations for Morphological Variability in Projectile Point: A Case Study from the Late Paleoindian Cody Complex
Adesbah Foguth
Graduated: MA (Public Archaeology), 2019
Public Archaeology
Dissertation Title:
Archaeology in the Third Dimension: Using Photogrammetry for Resource Management, Public Outreach, and Future Research Potential
Lisa M Fontes
Graduated: PhD, 2016
Dissertation Title:
Economies Set in Stone? Magdalenian Lithic Technological Organization and Adaptation in Vasco-Cantabrian Spain
Stephanie Fox

Graduated: PhD, 2023
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Social Tolerance and the Function of Differentiated Relationships Among Wild Female Chimpanzees
R Franciscus
Graduated: PhD, 1995
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Nasal Morphology in Western Old World Later Pleistocene Hominids and the Origins of Modern Humans
Lois Ellen Frank
Graduated: PhD, 2011
Dissertation Title:
The Discourse and Practice of Native American Cuisine: Native American Chefs and Native American Cooks in Contemporary Southwest Kitchens
Charlotte H Frisbie
Graduated: PhD, 1970
Dissertation Title:
The Navajo House Blessing Ceremonial: A Study of Cultural Change
L Fullerton Gleason
Graduated: PhD, 1998
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Intimate Partner Assault: Trade-off for Protection from Non-mate Assault?
Caroline Gabe

Graduated: PhD, 2019
Dissertation Title:
Seventeenth Century Spanish Colonial Identity in New Mexico
Sean Gantt
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Dissertation Title:
Nanta Hosh Chahta Immi? (What are Choctaw Ways?) Cultural Preservation in the Casino Era
Jasmine Gartner
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Dissertation Title:
An Ethnography of Art Photography in New York
Shasta Gaugen
Graduated: PhD, 2011
Dissertation Title:
Against the Odds: Indian Gambling, Political Economy, and Identity on the Pala Indian Reservation
J L Geffroy
Graduated: PhD, 1975
Dissertation Title:
Political Leadership and Factionalism in a Dominican Municipio
Phil R Geib
Graduated: PhD, 2016
Dissertation Title:
Basketmaker II Warfare and the role of Fending Sticks in the Northern American Southwest”
Christina Getrich
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Dissertation Title:
'American by Birth, Mexican by Blood': Cultural Citizenship and Identity among Second-Generation Mexican Youth
Andrea Gillespie
Graduated: PhD, 1996
Dissertation Title:
Sign and Signifier in Santa Fe: The History of a Clothing Style
Patricia Gilman
Graduated: PhD, 1984
Dissertation Title:
Changing Architectural Forms in the Prehistoric Southwest
Elizabeth Martinson Goodman
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Dissertation Title:
Researching the Etiology of Cribra Orbitalia and Porotic Hyperostosis: A Case Study of the Chiribaya of the Osmore Drainage, Peru
M S Graham
Graduated: PhD, 1989
Dissertation Title:
Raramuri Residential Site Structure: An Ethnoarchaeological Approach to Settlement Organization
Russell Greaves
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Dissertation Title:
Ethnoarchaeological Investigation of Subsistence Mobility, Resource Targeting, and Technological Organization Among Pume Foragers of Venezuela
Gil Greengross
Graduated: PhD, 2009
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
In Search of Homo Humorous: Personality, Health, Humor Styles, and Humor as Mental Fitness Indicator in Stand-up Comedians and the Rest of Us
Julie Griffin Salvador
Graduated: PhD, 2001
Dissertation Title:
Pregnancy and Parenting Among Albuquerque Teens: A School-Based Ethnography
Jessica Gross
Graduated: PhD, 2019
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The History of Admixture in African Americans
Rafael Guerra
Graduated: PhD, 2021
Dissertation Title:
Lower Dover Belize: A Case Study for Rapid Growth Community Duirng the Terminal Classic Period in the Maya Lowlands
Lara Gunderson
Graduated: PhD, 2018
Dissertation Title:
Relanzamiento of Nicaragua's Christian Based Communities: Forging New Models of Church and Society for the Twenty-First Century
Michael Gurven
Graduated: PhD, 2000
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Hunter-Gatherer Food Sharing Ecology
Marcus Hamilton
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Dissertation Title:
Quantifying Clovis Dynamics: Confronting Theory with Models and Data Across Scales
Marian Hamilton

Graduated: PhD, 2018
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Reconstructing Landscape Use Patterns Using Srontium Isotope Ratios
Robert J Hard
Graduated: PhD, 1986
Dissertation Title:
Ecological Relationships Affecting the Rise of Farming Economies: A Test from the American Southwest
M Harmon
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Dissertation Title:
Centralization, Cultural Transmission, and "The Game of Life and Death" in Northern Mexico
C M Hartse
Graduated: PhD, 1993
Dissertation Title:
On the Colony: Social and Religious Change Among Contemporary Hutterities
Lynn Hathaway
Graduated: PhD, 1984
Dissertation Title:
Psychophysiological Correlates of the Social Behavior of Preschool Boys: A Study of Skin Conductance and Compliance
Meghan Healy
Graduated: PhD, 2019
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Ethnic Identity and Genetic Ancestry in New Mexicans of Spanish-Speaking Descent
Erin Hegberg
Graduated: PhD, 2022
Dissertation Title:
Buying Good Will: Local and Regional Consumer Relationships in Nineteenth Century New Mexico
Claire K Helton Croll
Graduated: PhD, 2010
Dissertation Title:
Why Conical Pots? An Examination of the Relationship Among Ceramic Vessel Shape, Subsistence, and Mobility
Shirley Heying
Graduated: PhD, 2012
Dissertation Title:
Finding Hope: Responses to the Long Term Consequences of Genocide
J V Hickey
Graduated: PhD, 1975
Dissertation Title:
Bokkos Fulani Pasatoralism: Human and Herd Regulation in a Complex Ecological Setting
Clinton R Hicks
Graduated: PhD, 2004
Dissertation Title:
Authoring Place: Computer-Mediated Texts and the Dynamics of Place at a Genomics Software Company
H C Higgins
Graduated: PhD, 1982
Dissertation Title:
The Tahitian Feast for the Dead: A Symbolic Examination Space
Erica Hill
Graduated: PhD, 1999
Dissertation Title:
The Art of Political Descourse: Ideology and the Sacrificial Ritual Among the Moche
Ethan Hill
Graduated: PhD, 2020
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Ecologically Driven Changes in Subsistence Strategies: An Examination of Bone Cross-Sectional Geometrical Properties in Hunter-Gatherers from Australia and Agriculturalists from Belize
Shirley Hill Witt
Graduated: PhD, 1969
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Migration into the San Juan Indian Pueblo, 1726-1968
Charles Hilton
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Comparative Locomotor Kinesiology in Two Contemporary Hominid Groups: Sedentary Americans and Mobile Venezuelan Foragers
Robert K Hitchcock
Graduated: PhD, 1982
Dissertation Title:
The Ethnoarchaeology of Sedentism: Mobility Strategies and Site Structure Among Foraging and Food Producing Populations in the Eastern Kalahari Desert
M Hittman
Graduated: PhD, 1973
Dissertation Title:
Ghost Dances, Disillusionment and Opiate Addiction: An Ethnohistory of Smith and Mason Valley Paiutes
Lisa Hogan
Graduated: PhD, 2014
Dissertation Title:
Maturing Temporal Bones as Non-Neural Sites for Transforming the Speech Signal during Language Development
B Hohmann
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Dissertation Title:
Preclassic Maya Shell Ornament Production in the Belize Valley, Belize
T W Holliday
Graduated: PhD, 1996
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Body Size and Proportions in the Late Pleistocene Western Old World and the Origins of Modern Humans
Paul Hooper
Graduated: PhD, 2011
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Structure of Energy Production and Redistribution Among Tsimane Forager-Horticulturalists
Sarah Horton
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Dissertation Title:
The Santa Fe Fiesta, Rinvented: Sacralizing Ties to a Disappearing Homeland
Cymene Howe
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Dissertation Title:
Strategizing Sexualities, ReImagining Gender and Televisionary Tactics: The Cultural Politics of Social Struggle in Neoliberal Nicaragua
Erin Hudson
Graduated: PhD, 2017
Dissertation Title:
The Past in The Present: Federal Implementation of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
William Hudspeth
Graduated: PhD, 2001
Dissertation Title:
The Evolutionary Ecology of Behavioral Response to Risk Among Prehistoric Agriculturalists of the Lower Rio Chama, New Mexico
Kiara M Hughes
Graduated: PhD, 2009
Dissertation Title:
The Women of Mata Ortiz: Growing Empowerment through Artistic Work
R L Humphrey
Graduated: PhD, 1970
Dissertation Title:
The Prehistory of the Arctic Slope of Alaska: Pleistocene Cultural Relationships between Eurasia and North America
Rosalind L Hunter Anderson
Graduated: PhD, 1980
Dissertation Title:
Environmental Context and Human Adaptive Strategies: The Rise of Matrifiliation, Lineality, and Horticulture in the Prehistoric Southwest
R P Hurzeler
Graduated: PhD, 1975
Dissertation Title:
Unto Those That Have: Debt in a Northeast Brazilian Peasant Community
Emira Ibrahimpasic
Graduated: PhD, 2012
Dissertation Title:
Women Living Islam in Post-War and Post-Socialist Bosnia and Herzegovina
Paula Ivey Henry
Graduated: PhD, 1994
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Life-History Theory Perspectives on Allocaretaking: Strategies Among Efe Foragers of the Ituri Forest of Zaire
Sara R Jamieson
Graduated: PhD, 2009
Dissertation Title:
Female Initiation Rituals Among Urban Wayuu Within Hugo Chavez's Multicultural Venezuelan Republic
Sara Johnson
Graduated: PhD, 2000
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Modeling the Tradeoff Between Energy Acquisition & Predation Risk-Effects On Individual Variation In Growth & Mortality Among Baboons
Ruth B Jolie
Graduated: PhD, 2010
Dissertation Title:
We’re Parents, Too: An Urban Ethnography of Father Involvement Among Middle Class Dual-Worker Couples
Lisa Jones Engel
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Bidirectional Pathogen Transmission Among Humans and Nonhuman Primates on the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi
Jillian Jordan
Graduated: PhD, 2019
Dissertation Title:
Pottery and Practice at Late to Terminal Classic Uxbenká and Baking Pot, Belize
Lynn B Jorde
Graduated: PhD, 1979
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Genetic Structure of the Aland Islands, Finland
William J Judge
Graduated: PhD, 1970
Dissertation Title:
The Paleoindian Occupation of the Center Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico
Miria Kano
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Dissertation Title:
Storied Lives in a Living Tradition: Women Rabbis Building Communities in the 21st Century
Thomas W Kavanaugh
Graduated: PhD, 1986
Dissertation Title:
Political Power and Political Organization: Comanche Politics 1786-1875
Pita Kelekna
Graduated: PhD, 1981
Dissertation Title:
Sex Asymmetry in Jivaroan Achuara Society: A Cultural Mechanism Promoting Belligerence
Lucas C Kellett
Graduated: PhD, 2010
Dissertation Title:
Chanka Settlement Ecology: Hilltop Sites, Land Use and Warfare in Late Prehispanic Andahuayas, Peru
Nicole C Kellett
Graduated: PhD, 2009
Dissertation Title:
Empowering Women: Microfinance, Development, and Relations of Inequality in the South Central Peruvian Highlands
Klara B Kelley
Graduated: PhD, 1977
Dissertation Title:
Commercial Networks in the Navajo-Hopi-Zuni Region
K L Kemp
Graduated: PhD, 1981
Dissertation Title:
Differential Development of Village Size Social Units
Cassandra Keyes
Graduated: MA (Public Archaeology), 2020
Public Archaeology
Dissertation Title:
A Taper in Time: A Quantitative Evaluation of Tapering Stemmed Points in the Southwest, Great Basin and the Plains
Angelle Khachadoorian
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Dissertation Title:
Boarding School, Family and Opportunity: Student Discourses as Adaptive Strategies at the Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
CL Kieffer Nail
Graduated: PhD, 2018
Dissertation Title:
The Structural Violence of Maya Sacrifice: A Case Study of Ritualized Human Sacrifice at Midnight Terror Cave, Belize
T Kies
Graduated: PhD, 2006
Dissertation Title:
Labor Process, Ethnoaesthetics, and The Political Economy of Guitar Artisans in Paracho, Michoacan
J David Kilby
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Dissertation Title:
An Investigation of Clovis Caches: Content, Function, and Technological Organization
Thomas W Killion
Graduated: PhD, 1987
Dissertation Title:
Agriculture and Residential Site Structure Among Campesinos in Southern Veracruz, Mexico: A Foundation for Archaeological Inference
K E Killorin Duran
Graduated: PhD, 1982
Dissertation Title:
Beyond Honor and Home: A Processual Analysis of Behavior in Rural Spanish Women
Valerie King
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Dissertation Title:
The Organization of Production of Chuska Grayware Ceramics for Distribution and Consumption in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico
John Kinsella
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Archaeology, Ethnology
Dissertation Title:
Carving Identity: Artistic Traditions and Aesthetic Knowledge in Contemporary Zimbabwe
Scott Kirk

Graduated: PhD, 2021
Dissertation Title:
Functional Changes in Fortified Places: Strategy and Defensive Architecture in the Medieval and Early Modern Era
Kathryn Klein
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Dissertation Title:
The Unbroken Thread: Conserving the Textile Traditions of Oaxaca
Yann Klimentidis
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Using Genetic Admixture to Examine Social and Phenotypic Aspects of Ethnicity Among New Mexican Hispanics and Native Americans
T Kludt
Graduated: PhD, 2006
Dissertation Title:
Bath Processing and Bulk Acquisition of Agave in the Desert Southwest
Ronald Kneebone
Graduated: PhD, 1990
Dissertation Title:
Energy Flow, Spatial Organization, and Community Structure
Anthony J Koehl
Graduated: PhD, 2016
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Estimating Ancestry and Genetic Diversity in Admixed Populations
Karen Kramer
Graduated: PhD, 1998
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Variation in Children's Work Among Modern Maya Subsistence Agriculturalists
Patricia L Kramer
Graduated: PhD, 1979
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Migration and the Analysis of Population Structure: A Study of the Aland Islands, 1750-1965
Steven L Kuhn
Graduated: PhD, 1990
Dissertation Title:
Diversity within Uniformity: Tool Manufacture and Use in the 'Pontinian' Mousterian of Latium (Italy)
R J Kurtz
Graduated: PhD, 1963
Dissertation Title:
Role Change and Cultural Change: The Canyoncito Navaho Case
Virginia Laadt
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Impact of Preterm Birth and Child Condition on Maternal Reproductive Behavior
Kyle Lacy
Graduated: MA (Public Archaeology), 2017
James Lally
Graduated: PhD, 2004
Dissertation Title:
Reconstructing the Cause and Origin of Structural fires in the Archaeological Record of the Greater Southwest
Ruth Lambert
Graduated: PhD, 2006
Dissertation Title:
Investigations of Small Structures in the Citadel District of Wupatki National Monument
Carol Lamborne
Graduated: PhD, 2007
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Early Socioecological Determinants of Adolescent Behavioral Strategies
Charles H Lange
Graduated: PhD, 1951
Dissertation Title:
An Evaluation of Economic Factors in Cochiti Pueblo Culture Change
Signa L Larralde
Graduated: PhD, 1990
Dissertation Title:
The Design of Hunting Weapons: Observation from Southwestern Wyoming Prehistory
Dorothy Larson
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Dissertation Title:
Albuquerque the Frontier?: Migration and Identity in the Albuquerque District during the Late Developmental to Coalition Period Transition
Philip Laverty
Graduated: PhD, 2010
Dissertation Title:
Recognizing Indians: Place, Identity, History and the Federal Acknowledgment of the Ohlone/Costanoan-Esselen Nation
Miguel C Leatham
Graduated: PhD, 1993
Dissertation Title:
'Vayamos Allá Donde Está Nuestra Madre': Peasant Recruitment to a Mexican Millenarian Colony
Steven H Lekson
Graduated: PhD, 1988
Dissertation Title:
Sociopolitical Complexity at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico
Philip LeTourneau
Graduated: PhD, 2001
Dissertation Title:
Folsom Toolstone Procurement in the Southwest and the Southern Plains
Cecil Lewis Jr.
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Dissertation Title:
Intercontinental to Intrasite Genetic Analyses of Ancient and Contemporary Native American Communities
K Lillehei Bakhitiar
Graduated: PhD, 1995
Dissertation Title:
An Ethnography of Norwegian and English Code-Switching in Ballard, Washington
Hsui-man Lin
Graduated: PhD, 2009
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Biological Evidence of the San-Pau-Chu People and Their Affinities
Greg Lockard
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Dissertation Title:
Political Power and Economy at the Archaeological Site of Galindo, Moche Valley, Peru
Andrea Lopez
Graduated: PhD, 2014
Dissertation Title:
The Paradoxes of Poverty: Gendered Ideologies of Intervention in the 'Compassionate City' of San Francisco
Leslie A. Lopez
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Dissertation Title:
Taking Back the Word: Defining Public Service and Democracy through Community Radio in Latin America
Charles K Lumpkin, Jr
Graduated: PhD, 1976
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
A Multivariate Craniometric Analysis of Selected Southwestern Archaeological Populations
Mark Lycett
Graduated: PhD, 1996
Dissertation Title:
Archaeological Implication of European Contact: Demography, Settlement, and Land Use in the Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico
Thomas R Lyons
Graduated: PhD, 1969
Dissertation Title:
A Study of Paleo-Indian and Desert Culture Complexes of the Estancia Valley Area, New Mexico
H S Maclay
Graduated: PhD, 1956
Dissertation Title:
Language and Non-Language Behavior: An Experimental Investigation
Laura MacNamara
Graduated: PhD, 2001
Dissertation Title:
Ways of Knowing About Weapons: The Cold War's End at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Gaylord J Marrs
Graduated: PhD, 1949
Dissertation Title:
Problems Arising from the Surface Occurrence of Archaeological Material in Southwestern Chihuahua, Mexico
A Martin
Graduated: PhD, 1998
Dissertation Title:
Enchantment and Colonization: Modernity and Lifestyle Migrants in a New Mexico Town
Frances J Mathien
Graduated: PhD, 1981
Dissertation Title:
Economic Exchange Systems in the San Juan Basin
Hannah Mattson
Graduated: PhD, 2015
Dissertation Title:
Identity and Material Practice in the Chacoan World: Ornamentation and Utility Ware Pottery
R P Mauldin
Graduated: PhD, 1995
Dissertation Title:
Groping for the Past: Investigating Archaeological Patterns across Space and Time in the Southern Southwestern United States
Timothy Maxwell
Graduated: PhD, 2000
Dissertation Title:
Looking for Adaptation: A Comparative and Engineering Analysis of Prehistoric Agricultural Technologies and Techniques in the Southwest
Patricia A McAnany
Graduated: PhD, 1986
Dissertation Title:
Lithic Technology and Exchange among Wetland Farmers of the Maya Lowlands
T McCabe
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Implications of Intermixture on Human Cranial Morphology
Aaron McCanna
Graduated: MA (Public Archaeology), 2019
Public Archaeology
Dissertation Title:
Forensic Architecture: Reconstructing Piedras Marcadas in 3D
Joanne E McCloskey
Graduated: PhD, 1992
Dissertation Title:
Changing Fertility Patterns Among Three Generations of Navajo
Thomas Mcllwraith
Graduated: PhD, 2007
Dissertation Title:
But We Are Still Native People: Talking About Hunting and History in a Northern Athapaskan Village
Garett McMillan
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Elements of Ache Sociality
Wendy E McQuade Potter
Graduated: PhD, 2010
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Evidence for a Change in the Rate of Aging of Osteological Indicators in American Documented Skeletal Samples
MJ McReynolds
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Dissertation Title:
Hitting the Mountain: Educational Success Among Native American Women in Albuquerque, NM
Anna Medendorp Rautman
Graduated: PhD, 2021
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Tradeoffs in Growth and Development: A Life History Approach
Christy Mello
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Dissertation Title:
Local Food and Power Dynamics in Southeast Grand Rapids, Michigan
Julia Meredith
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Dissertation Title:
Tibetans in Exile: Local Meanings, National Belonging, and Cultural Politics in Diaspora
M A Meyer
Graduated: PhD, 1984
Dissertation Title:
Jobs, Work-Related Values, and Attitudes of Staff and Technicians at a National Laboratory
Linda Mick O'Hara
Graduated: PhD, 1995
Dissertation Title:
Nutritional Stability and Changing Resource Use in La Plata Valley Prehistory
S D Midgette Anderson
Graduated: PhD, 1987
Dissertation Title:
The Navajo Progressive in Discourse Context: A Study in Temporal Semantics
Marcia Mikulak
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Dissertation Title:
The Social Construction of Disposable Children: Street & Working Children in Brazil
Rebecca Miller
Graduated: PhD, 2000
Dissertation Title:
Patterns of Raw Material Utilization in the Early Upper Paleolithic in Belgium
Barbara Mills
Graduated: PhD, 1989
Dissertation Title:
Ceramics and Settlement in the Cedar Mesa Area, Southeastern Utah: A Methodological Approach
Emily Moes

Graduated: PhD, 2024
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Sensitive Developmental Windows in Craniofacial and Dental Fluctuating Asymmetry
Kelly Monteleone
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Dissertation Title:
Lost Worlds: Locating Submerged Archaeological Sites in Southeast Alaska
Philip Montoya
Graduated: PhD, 1999
Dissertation Title:
Social Cultural Capital: Empowerment for Sustainable Development in the Mountains of Escazu, Costa Rica
H C Moore
Graduated: PhD, 1950
Dissertation Title:
Anthropology Method and Theory in a Study of Costume
Chester Elliott Moore, II
Graduated: PhD, 1981
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
A Problem of Human Variation: The Facial Tissue Thickness of Caucasoids, Negroids, and Mongoloids
Thomas M Morales
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Dissertation Title:
Glazeware Pottery Production and Distribution in the Upper-Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico
William Herbert G Morgan
Graduated: PhD, 1978
Dissertation Title:
Principles of Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence Strategy Formulation: Some Examples from the Boreal Forest
Carmen Mosley

Graduated: PhD, 2019
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
A Biocultural Examination of Health Risk Among New Mexicans of Spanish-Speaking Descent
Tanya Mueller
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Effects of Socio-Ecological Variables on the Timetable of Reproductive Maturation in Captive Female Baboons (Papio hamadrayas anubis)
Meredith B. Muller
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Conflict and Control: Intimate Partner Violence and Reproductive Control
Marit Munson
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Dissertation Title:
On Boundaries and Beliefs: Rock Art and Identity on the Pajarito Plateau
Beau Murphy

Graduated: PhD, 2024
Dissertation Title:
Imperial Architecture and Absolute Chronology in the Inka State: The View from Northern Chile
Y Nakazawa
Graduated: PhD, 2007
Dissertation Title:
Hearth-Centered Spatial Organization: A comparative Approach to the Study of Palimpsests in Late Upper Paleolithic Sites in Hokkaido (Japan) and Cantabria (Spain)
Marilee Nason Schmit
Graduated: PhD, 1991
Dissertation Title:
Costume as a Means of Group and Self-Identification in the Ecuadorian Sierra
Harry L Naylor
Graduated: PhD, 1952
Dissertation Title:
A Psychocultural Study of Twenty-Eight Ryukyuan Students
Nancy Lee Nelson
Graduated: PhD, 1992
Dissertation Title:
The Pocket Economy: Street Vendors and the Public Order in Bogota, Columbia
Lavinia Nicholae
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Dissertation Title:
Changing Hearts and Minds: The Politics of Sentimentality and the Cultural Production of the Gay Family in New Mexico's Same-Sex Marriage Debate
Sara D. Niedbalski

Graduated: PhD, 2021
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Unique Genomic Architecture in the Descendants of the Beringian Migrant Population: Founder Effects, Natural Selection, and Adaptation
P K L Nietfeld
Graduated: PhD, 1981
Dissertation Title:
Determinants of Aboriginal Micmac Political Structure
W Niewoehner
Graduated: PhD, 2000
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Functional Anatomy of Late Pleistocene and Recent Human Carpometacarpal and Metacarpophalangeal Articulations
Lara Noldner
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Spanish Missionization and Maya Social Structure: Skeletal Evidence for Labor Distribution at Tipu, Belize
Mariella Nunez Janes
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Dissertation Title:
Education, Culture, and Ethnic Identity: Constructing Constructing Chicano and Mexican Ethnicity in Bilingual Classrooms
Kenneth Nystrom
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Biological and Social Consequences of Inka Conquest of the Chachapoya Region of Northern Peru
Matthew O'Brien
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Dissertation Title:
The Socioeconomic Organization of Communal Hunting: An Archaeological Case Study in Collective Action
Lexi O'Donnell

Graduated: PhD, 2019
Dissertation Title:
Trends in Health, Stress, and Migration in the Pre-Contact Southwest United States
Beth L O'Leary
Graduated: PhD, 1985
Dissertation Title:
Salmon and Storage: Southern Tutchone Use of an 'Abundant' Resource
Ariane Oberling Pinson
Graduated: PhD, 2000
Dissertation Title:
Foraging in Uncertain Times: The Effects of Risk on Subsistence Behavior During the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition in the Oregon Basin
Marsha Ogilvie
Graduated: PhD, 2000
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Bioarchaeology of the Foraging to Farming Transition in the Southwestern United States
N Olsen
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Dissertation Title:
Potters' Choices: The Social Construction of Pottery Making Technologies at Acoma and Laguna Pueblos, NM
J Operk
Graduated: PhD, 1995
Dissertation Title:
Occupational Gender Segregation in Sweden: Ideology and Practice
Alan J Osborn
Graduated: PhD, 1977
Dissertation Title:
Aboriginal Exploitation of Marine Food Resources
H K Osterreich
Graduated: PhD, 1977
Dissertation Title:
The Acquisition of Locatives in Estonia
D B Oswald
Graduated: PhD, 1994
Dissertation Title:
Navajo Space Use Under Conditions of Increased Sedentism
Eileen T Panowski
Graduated: PhD, 1985
Dissertation Title:
Analyzing Hunter-Gatherers: Population Pressure, Subsistence, Social Structure, Northwest Coast Societies, and Slavery
J Paredes
Graduated: PhD, 1969
Dissertation Title:
Chippewa Townsmen: A Study in Small-Scale Urban Adaptation
Melissa Payne
Graduated: PhD, 1999
Dissertation Title:
Valley of Faith: Historical Archaeology in the Upper Santa Fe River Basin
Char L Peery
Graduated: PhD, 2015
Dissertation Title:
New Deal Navajo Linguistics and Language Documentation
Shawn Penman
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Dissertation Title:
Colonowares as Evidence of Acculturation at Pecos Pueblo, New Mexico
Megan Perry
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Health, Labor and Political Economy: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Three Communities in Provincia Arabia
Timothy Petersen
Graduated: PhD, 2010
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Taxonomic Implications of Basicranial Variation in Australopithecus Africanus
Michael D Petraglia
Graduated: PhD, 1987
Dissertation Title:
Site Formation Processes at Abrio DuFaure: A Study of Upper Paleolithic Rockshelter and Slope Deposits in Southwestern France
Sarah Renee Phillips

Graduated: PhD, 2021
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Energetic Tradeoffs, Infection, and Immunity in Wild Chimpanzees of Uganda and Tanzania
Elvira Pichardo
Graduated: PhD, 2014
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Quien Que un Hombre Vago (Sin Empleo)? Who Wants an Unemployed Male? Testing the Embodied Capital Theory in Dominican Populations in the Dominican Republic and New York City
Sharon Pochran
Graduated: PhD, 1999
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Tests of Food Selection Models: Yellow Baboons (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus), Ruaha National Park, Tanzania
Demelza J Poe
Graduated: PhD, 2009
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Prevalence of Osteoarthritis in Wild Versus Captive Great Ape Skeletons
K O Poewe
Graduated: PhD, 1976
Dissertation Title:
Religion, Kinship, and Labor in Luapuia: Prosperity and Economic Stagnation of Lake and River Fishing Communities
M Powell
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Dissertation Title:
The Organization of Ceramic Production in the Upper Pecos Valley, New Mexico, A.D. 1200-1400
Willow Powers Roberts
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Dissertation Title:
The Harvard Five Cultures Values Study and Post War Anthropology
F E Purifoy
Graduated: PhD, 1979
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Steroid Hormones and Human Variability: Correlation of Androgen Levels with Age and Occupation in Normal Subjects
Corey Ragsdale
Graduated: PhD, 2015
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Cultural Interaction and Biolocial Distance Among Postclassic Mexican Populations
Carol B Raish
Graduated: PhD, 1988
Dissertation Title:
Domestic Animals and Stability in Pre-State Farming Societies
Gordon Rakita
Graduated: PhD, 2001
Dissertation Title:
Social Complexity, Religious Organization, and Mortuary Ritual at the Prehispanic Site of Paquime, Chihuahua, Mexico
Adriana Ramirez de Arellano
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Dissertation Title:
Voice and Identity in Legal Narratives of Gender Violence and Sexual Torture in the Southwestern United States
Lisa Rappaport
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Food Sharing in Golden Lion Tamarins (Leontopithecus rosafia): Provisioning of Young, Maintenance of Social Bonds, and Resource Constraints
D J Rapson
Graduated: PhD, 1990
Dissertation Title:
Pattern and Process in Intra-Site Spatial Analysis: Site Structural and Faunal Research at the Bugas-Holding Site
Charles A Reher
Graduated: PhD, 1978
Dissertation Title:
Adaptive Process on the Late Prehistoric Shortgrass Plains: Archaeological Study of the Vore Site, a Buffalo Jump in the Black Hills of Northeast Wyoming
Theodore R Reinhart

Graduated: PhD, 1968
Dissertation Title:
The Late Archaic Cultures of the Middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico: A Study of the Process of Culture Change
Richard Reycraft
Graduated: PhD, 1998
Dissertation Title:
The Termanal Chiribaya Project: The Archaeology of Human Response to Natural Disaster in South Coastal Peru
Adam Reynolds
Graduated: PhD, 2023
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Human Diversity in Molecular Sexual Dimorphism and Gender Disparities in Health
M L Rhodes
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Population Dynamics at the Southern Periphery of the Ancient Maya World: Kinship at Copan
Heather M Richards Rissetto
Graduated: PhD, 2010
Dissertation Title:
Exploring Social Interaction at the Ancient Maya City of Copan, Honduras: A Multi-Scalar Geographic Information Systems Analysis of Access and Visibility
J Rioux
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Dissertation Title:
Ayurvedic Practice, Alternative Modes of Knowing and Social Transformation
John Rissetto
Graduated: PhD, 2009
Dissertation Title:
Late Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherer Mobility Patterns and Lithic Exploitation in Eastern Cantabria
Alexandra Roberts
Graduated: PhD, 1992
Dissertation Title:
An Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Investigation of Restricted Mobility Among Navajo Families in the Wupatki Basin, Arizona
M Robertson
Graduated: PhD, 1996
Dissertation Title:
Strategies on the Streets and the Shelters: Transactions of Homeless People and Service Providers
Kenneth Robey
Graduated: PhD, 1994
Dissertation Title:
Siblingship in Afro-Caribbean Kinship: The Garifuna of Belize
Alan Rogers
Graduated: PhD, 1982
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Variation in Neutral Characters in Subdivided Populations
E W Rogers
Graduated: PhD, 1958
Dissertation Title:
Mistassini Hunting Groups and Hunting Territories
Francine Romero
Graduated: PhD, 1998
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
A Population Genetic Study of Athabascan-Speaking Populations in the American Southwest
Marco Rosas Rintel
Graduated: PhD, 2010
Dissertation Title:
Cerro Chepen and the Late Moche Collapse in the Jequetepeque Valley, North Coast of Peru
Stacy Rucas
Graduated: PhD, 2004
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Female Intrasexual Behaviors Among the Tsimane of Bolivia
Kate Rusk
Graduated: PhD, 2019
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Facial Fluctuating Asymmetry: Developmental Origins and Implications for Long-Term Health
Sue Ruth
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Dissertation Title:
Womens Toolkits: Engendering PaleoIndian Lithic Technology
Abraham Ruttenberg
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Coordination of foraging and Vigilance between the Sexes in Free-Ranging Rufous-Naped Tamarin Monkeys (Saguinus Geoffroyi)
Kristin Sabbi

Graduated: PhD, 2020
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
"The ontogeny of sex-typed social strategies among East African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)"
Stephanie Sanchez
Graduated: PhD, 2014
Dissertation Title:
Women and Cultural Production: Fiestas, Families, and Foodways in San Rafael, New Mexico
Lisa Sattenspiel
Graduated: PhD, 1984
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Spread of Disease in Subdivided Populations
Theresa Satterfield
Graduated: PhD, 1995
Dissertation Title:
Anatomy of Conflict: Risk and Emotion in the Old Growth Forest
Gwendolyn W Saul
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Dissertation Title:
Tsehootoai baa hane: Emergent Oral Histories from a Navajo Community-Based Oral History Project in Ft. Defiance
Randall F Schalk
Graduated: PhD, 1978
Dissertation Title:
Foragers of the Northwest Coast of North America: The Ecology of Aboriginal Land Use Systems
M Schillaci
Graduated: PhD, 2002
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Effects of Hybridization on Craniofacial Growth Allometry Among the Macaques of Sulawesi
Kari Schleher
Graduated: PhD, 2010
Dissertation Title:
The Role of Standardization in Specialization of Ceramic Production at San Marcos Pueblo, New Mexico
Matthew Schmader
Graduated: PhD, 1994
Dissertation Title:
Early Puebloan Site Structure and Technological Organization in the Middle Rio Grande Valley
K Schmidt
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Dissertation Title:
An Assessment of the Settlement and Subsistence in Emergent Agricultural Economies in the Tucson Basin, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico
P R Schultz
Graduated: PhD, 1973
Dissertation Title:
Spatial Correlates of Sociocultural Organization: A Pattern Distribution Analysis of a Set of Artifacts
Matthew Schwartz

Graduated: PhD, 2020
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Sex Differences in Age-Related Disease
Rebecca Schwendler
Graduated: PhD, 2004
Dissertation Title:
Hunter-Gatherer Social Interactions in Magdalenian Western Europe
Lynne Sebastian
Graduated: PhD, 1988
Dissertation Title:
Leadership, Power, and Productive Potential: A Political Model of the Chaco System
Thatcher Seltzer-Rogers

Graduated: PhD, 2023
Dissertation Title:
Between Casas Grandes and Salado: Community formation and Interaction in the Borderlands of the American Southwest/Mexican Northwest Region, AD 1200-1450
Daniel Shattuck

Graduated: PhD, 2019
Dissertation Title:
Amaro e Piccante: The Production and Use of Terroir in the Scandal of Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oils
Katherine Shaum
Graduated: MA (Public Archaeology), 2015
Diane J Shomaker
Graduated: PhD, 1984
Dissertation Title:
Fosterage as a Form of Exchange Among the Navajo
Suzanne L Simons
Graduated: PhD, 1969
Dissertation Title:
Sandia Pueblo: Persistence and Change in a New Mexican Indian Community
M J Sloane
Graduated: PhD, 1956
Dissertation Title:
The Interrelationship of Economics, Class, and Leadership on the Northwest Coast
Geneva Smith

Graduated: PhD, 2020
Dissertation Title:
Where the Land Ends: Knowing and Governing the Limits of Argentina’s Soy Boom
Michael P Smyth
Graduated: PhD, 1988
Dissertation Title:
Storage Behavior in the Puuc Region of Yucatan, Mexico: An Ethnoarchaeological Investigation
Kristin Snopkowski
Graduated: PhD, 2011
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Testing Hypotheses of the Demographic Transition in San Borja, Bolivia
Jay C Sobus
Graduated: PhD, 1987
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Transition in San Borja, Bolivia
Richard Sossis
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Collective Action Problem of Male Cooperative Labor on Ifaluk Atoll
Vitale Sparacello
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Bioarchaeology of Changes in Social Stratification, Warfare, and Habitual Activities in the Iron Age Samnites of Central Italy
Maria Sprehn
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Dissertation Title:
Social Complexity and the Specialist Potters of Casas Grandes in Northern Mexico
Julie E Sprott
Graduated: PhD, 1986
Dissertation Title:
Precursors of Neonatal Irritability in Firstborns: Prenatal Maternal Stress and Timing of Marriage
Patrick Staib
Graduated: PhD, 2012
Dissertation Title:
Coffee and Countryside: Small Farmers and Sustainable Development in Las Segovias de Nicaragua
Vince Stefan
Graduated: PhD, 2000
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Craniometric Variation and Biological Affinity of the Prehistoric Rapanui (Easter Islanders): Their Origin, Evolution, and Place in Polynesian Prehistory
Anastasia Steffen
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Dissertation Title:
The Dome Fire Obsidian Study: Investigating the Interaction of Heat, Hydration, and Glass Geochemistry
Carlyn Stewart

Graduated: MA (Public Archaeology), 2020
Public Archaeology
Dissertation Title:
Dig Historia!: A Public Archaeological Project at Coronado Historic Site, Bernalillo, New Mexico
Jonathan Stieglitz
Graduated: PhD, 2009
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Nuclear Family Conflict and Cooperation among Tsimane Forager-Horticulturalists of Bolivia
Mark A Stiger
Graduated: PhD, 1986
Dissertation Title:
Technological Organization and Spatial Structure in the Archaeological Record
Mary C Stiner
Graduated: PhD, 1990
Dissertation Title:
The Ecology of Choice: Procurement and Transport of Animal Resources by Upper Pleistocene Hominids in West-Central Italy
Karen Stocker
Graduated: PhD, 2001
Dissertation Title:
The Dynamics of Discrimination in a Costa Rican High School Setting
Christopher Stojanowski
Graduated: PhD, 2001
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Cemetery Structure, Population Aggregation, and Biological Variability in the Mission Centers of La Florida
Elizabeth Ann Stone
Graduated: PhD, 2011
Dissertation Title:
Through the Eye of the Needle: Investigations of Ethnographic, Experimental, and Archaeological Bone Tool Use Wear from Perishable Technologies
C Stout Condie
Graduated: PhD, 1972
Dissertation Title:
Zuni Transitivity: A Generative Approach
Susan K Stratton
Graduated: PhD, 1999
Dissertation Title:
Reconstructing the Role of Faunal Resource Use During the Occupational History of Grass Mesa Village, Southwestern Colorado
David E Stuart
Graduated: PhD, 1972
Dissertation Title:
Band Structure and Ecological Variability: The Ona and Yahgan of Tierra del Fuego
Jennie Sturm

Graduated: PhD, 2019
Dissertation Title:
Using Archaeological Remote Sensing to Evaluate Land Use and Constructed Space in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico
A Sumi
Graduated: PhD, 1997
Dissertation Title:
Competition or Cooperation: Organizational Practices and the Relations of Power in Japanese Transplants in the United States
J Supriatna
Graduated: PhD, 1991
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Hybridization Between Macaca Maurus and Macada Tonkeana: A Test of Species Status Using Behavioral and Morphogenetic Analysis
Andrew Sussman
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Dissertation Title:
Re-Imagining the Garden City: The Politics of Place in Missoula, Montana
Jill D Sweet
Graduated: PhD, 1981
Dissertation Title:
Tewa Ceremonial Performances: The Effects of Tourism on an Ancient Pueblo Indian Dance and Music Tradition
Zsofia Johanna Szoke

Graduated: PhD, 2023
Dissertation Title:
The Lithium Economy: Bolivia's "New Resource" and its Role in Revolutionary Politics
William Taylor
Graduated: PhD, 2016
Dissertation Title:
The Origins of Horse Herding and Transport in the Eastern Steppe
Amy Thompson

Graduated: PhD, 2019
Dissertation Title:
Comparative Processes of Sociopoligical Development in the Foothills of the Southern Maya Mountains
Ian Thompson
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Dissertation Title:
Chahta Intikba Im Aiikhvna (Learning from the Choctaw Ancestors): Integrating Indigenous and Experimental Approaches in the Study of Mississippian Technologies
Nancy W Thornhill
Graduated: PhD, 1987
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Incest Rules and Other Rules of Mating and Marriage in Humans: An Evolutionary Biological Analysis
Lawrence Todd
Graduated: PhD, 1983
Dissertation Title:
The Horner Site: Taphonomy of an Early Holocene Bison Bonebed
Paula Tomczak
Graduated: PhD, 2001
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Prehistoric Socio-Economic Relations and Population Organization within the Osmore Valley of Southern Peru
Robert L Tompkins
Graduated: PhD, 1991
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Relative Dental Development in Upper Pleistocene Fossil Hominidae and Recent Humans
Blaire Topash Caldwell

Graduated: PhD, 2020
Dissertation Title:
Neshnabe Futurisms: Indigenous Science and Eco-Politics in the Great Lakes
Robin Torrence
Graduated: PhD, 1981
Dissertation Title:
Obsidian in the Aegean: Towards a Methodology for the Study of Prehistoric Exchange
Gabriel Torres
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Dissertation Title:
Of Muslim Persuasion: The Politics of Convivencia in Ceuta
Elise Trott
Graduated: PhD, 2017
Dissertation Title:
Bodies of Water: Politics, Relationships and Ethics along New Mexico's Acequias
W Troy Tucker
Graduated: PhD, 1998
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Childlessness Among American Men: A Life-History Perspective
Judith Van der Elst
Graduated: PhD, 2012
Dissertation Title:
Investigating Epistemological Implications of Geospatial Representation in Making of Histories of the Pueblos Using a Mixed Methods Approach
Jonathan Van Hoose
Graduated: PhD, 2008
Dissertation Title:
Learning Lineages as Reflected in Ceramic Production in Early Historic Northwest New Mexico
Todd Van Pool
Graduated: PhD, 2003
Dissertation Title:
Explaining Changes in Point Morphology: A Case Study from Ventana Cave, Arizona
David Vaughn
Graduated: PhD, 2006
Dissertation Title:
Taking the Measure of New Mexico's Colonial Miners, Mining and Metallurgy
Margaret Vazquez Geffroy
Graduated: PhD, 1977
Dissertation Title:
Land Tenure and Resource Holding Groups in a Dominican Municipio
Amanda J Veile
Graduated: PhD, 2011
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
The Evolutionary Ecology of Human Infancy
Bradley Vierra
Graduated: PhD, 1985
Dissertation Title:
Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Systems: To Reoccupy or Not to Reoccupy, That is the Question
Robert K Vierra
Graduated: PhD, 1975
Dissertation Title:
Structure versus Function in the Archaeological Record
Alan Vince
Graduated: PhD, 2004
Dissertation Title:
Cultural Estrangement: The Experiences of Physicians Caring for American Indian Patients
John D Wagner
Graduated: PhD, 2012
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Health Parameters Across the Lifespan Among the Ache of Parguay
William G Wagner
Graduated: PhD, 2009
Dissertation Title:
Aquí No Pasó Nada: Terror, Remembrance, and Feeling in a Guatemalan 'Green Zone'
Robert Walker
Graduated: PhD, 2004
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Evolution of the Human Life History: Ontogeny and Behavior in Two South American Indigenous Populations
Luanne Wandsnider
Graduated: PhD, 1989
Dissertation Title:
The Relationship between Formation Processes and the Structure of the Archaeological Landscape: A Case Study from Southwestern Wyoming
Marnie K Watson
Graduated: PhD, 2015
Dissertation Title:
From Rural Street Theater to Big City Extravaganza: The Meaning of the Manaus Boi-bumba in an Urbanizing Brazil
David C. Waynforth
Graduated: PhD, 1999
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Male Mating Strategies Among the Mayas of Belize
Anne Weaver
Graduated: PhD, 2001
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Cerebellar Volume in Pleistocene and Modern Homo
D S Weaver
Graduated: PhD, 1977
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
New Methods for the Determination of Sex, Age, and Rates of Growth of Infant and Child Skeletal Remains in Prehistoric American Indian Populations
Peter M Whiteley
Graduated: PhD, 1982
Dissertation Title:
Third Mesa Hopi Social Structural Dynamics and Sociocultural Change: The View from Bacavi
Kristina Whitney
Graduated: MA (Public Archaeology), 2017
Alicia Wilbur
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Genetics of Host Susceptibility/Resistance to Tuberculosis in Aché and Avá of Paraguay
D Scott Wilson
Graduated: PhD, 1992
Dissertation Title:
Dog-Eat-Dog: Social Exchange among Denver's Male Prostitutes and Their Clients
Jeff Winking
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Fathering Among the Tsimane of Bolivia: A Test of the Proposed Goals of Paternal Care
Richard P Wojcik
Graduated: PhD, 1993
Dissertation Title:
Resource Transfer Systems of Foragers of Alaska, the Northwest Coast, and California
Megan Workman
Graduated: PhD, 2012
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Early Life Influences on Body Composition, Metabolic Economy, and Age at Menarche
F Scott Worman
Graduated: PhD, 2012
Dissertation Title:
Tribes, States, and Landscapes: The Ecological Impacts of Changing Landuse during the Islamic Period in Southern Portugal
Ghandi Yetish
Graduated: PhD, 2016
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Sleep as an Evolved Behavior: Ecological Opportunity Costs and Sleep Optimization
Bonnie Young
Graduated: PhD, 2013
Evolutionary Anthropology
Dissertation Title:
Effects of Genetic Ancestry and Sociocultural Tuberculosis Susceptibility in Northeastern Mexico
Greg Zaro
Graduated: PhD, 2005
Dissertation Title:
Human Ecology and Ancient Agrarian Land Use at Wawakiki Spring, South Coast Peru, AD 1000-2000
Meng Zhang

Graduated: PhD, 2019
Dissertation Title:
Explaining Variation and Change Among Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Microblade-based Societies in Northeastern Asia