Next Semester Graduate Courses

Summer 2025

A course exploring a topic not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
Adv T: Museums Practices

R 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Remote Instruction UNM CANVAS

T 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Hibben Center 320

Hybrid - Topics
Staff 33

Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Restriction: admitted to M.A. Anthropology or M.S. Anthropology.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

Independent Study
Jane B Lancaster - jlancas@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent Study
Frances M Hayashida - fmh@unm.edu325
00410120Independent StudyCatherine R Rhodes - rhodesc@unm.edu1 TO 325
04310131Independent StudyKari L Schleher - kschlehe@unm.edu1 TO 325
04410132Independent StudyWirt H Wills - wwills@unm.edu1 TO 325
04910133Independent StudyPatricia L Crown - pcrown@unm.edu1 TO 325
05210134Independent StudyLes W Field - lesfield@unm.edu1 TO 325
05610135Independent Study Staff 1 TO 325
06410137Independent StudySuzanne R Oakdale - soakdale@unm.edu1 TO 325
06710138Independent StudyOsbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu1 TO 325
07110141Independent StudyEmily L Jones - elj@unm.edu1 TO 325
07610143Independent StudyHeather J Edgar - hedgar@salud.unm.edu1 TO 325
07810144Independent StudyDavid A Phillips - dap@unm.edu1 TO 325
08010145Independent StudyKeith L Hunley - khunley@unm.edu1 TO 325
08516239Independent StudyMichael W Graves - mwgraves@unm.edu1 TO 325
08716240Independent StudyKeith M Prufer - kmp@unm.edu1 TO 325
09516241Independent StudyMartin N Muller - muller@unm.edu1 TO 325
09716242Independent StudySherry V Nelson - svnelson@unm.edu1 TO 325

A faculty-supervised course culminating in a comprehensive paper or research proposal that integrates knowledge attained through coursework, research, and experience. Restriction: admitted to M.A. Anthropology or M.S. Anthropology.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

Independent Study
Frances M Hayashida - fmh@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Staff 325
00410146Independent StudyCatherine R Rhodes - rhodesc@unm.edu325
01210148Independent StudyJeffrey C Long - jlo@unm.edu325
04310156Independent StudyHillard S Kaplan - hkaplan@unm.edu325
04910157Independent StudyPatricia L Crown - pcrown@unm.edu325
05210158Independent StudyLes W Field - lesfield@unm.edu325
06410160Independent StudySuzanne R Oakdale - soakdale@unm.edu325
06610161Independent StudyOsbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu325
07110164Independent StudyEmily L Jones - elj@unm.edu325
07610166Independent StudyHeather J Edgar - hedgar@salud.unm.edu325
07810167Independent StudyDavid A Phillips - dap@unm.edu325
08010168Independent StudyKeith L Hunley - khunley@unm.edu325
08516234Independent StudyMichael W Graves - mwgraves@unm.edu325
08716235Independent StudyKeith M Prufer - kmp@unm.edu325
09516236Independent StudyMartin N Muller - muller@unm.edu325
09716237Independent StudySherry V Nelson - svnelson@unm.edu325

Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

Les W Field - lesfield@unm.edu1 TO 625
04910170ThesisSuzanne R Oakdale - soakdale@unm.edu1 TO 625

Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Limited to graduate majors in the doctoral program.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

Independent Study
Staff 1 TO 325
00410172Independent StudyJames L Boone - jboone@unm.edu1 TO 325
01210174Independent StudyJeffrey C Long - jlo@unm.edu1 TO 325
04310178Independent StudyHillard S Kaplan - hkaplan@unm.edu1 TO 325
05210179Independent StudyLes W Field - lesfield@unm.edu1 TO 325
05610180Independent Study Staff 1 TO 325
06110181Independent StudyDavid W Dinwoodie - ddinwood@unm.edu1 TO 325
08516229Independent StudyMichael W Graves - mwgraves@unm.edu1 TO 325
08716230Independent StudyKeith M Prufer - kmp@unm.edu1 TO 325
09516231Independent StudyMartin N Muller - muller@unm.edu1 TO 325
09716232Independent StudySherry V Nelson - svnelson@unm.edu1 TO 325

A faculty-supervised course culminating in a comprehensive paper or research proposal that integrates knowledge attained through coursework, research, and experience. Limited to graduate majors in the doctoral program.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

Independent Study
James L Boone - jboone@unm.edu325
01810184Independent StudyCatherine R Rhodes - rhodesc@unm.edu325
04410190Independent StudyWirt H Wills - wwills@unm.edu325
04910191Independent StudyPatricia L Crown - pcrown@unm.edu325
05210192Independent StudyLes W Field - lesfield@unm.edu325
05610193Independent Study Staff 325
06110195Independent StudyDavid W Dinwoodie - ddinwood@unm.edu325
06610196Independent StudyOsbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu325
07110199Independent StudyJeffrey C Long - jlo@unm.edu325
07610201Independent StudyHeather J Edgar - hedgar@salud.unm.edu325
07810202Independent StudyDavid A Phillips - dap@unm.edu325
08010203Independent StudyKeith L Hunley - khunley@unm.edu325
08516223Independent StudyMichael W Graves - mwgraves@unm.edu325
08716224Independent StudyKeith M Prufer - kmp@unm.edu325
09516225Independent StudyMartin N Muller - muller@unm.edu325
09716226Independent StudySherry V Nelson - svnelson@unm.edu325

Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a doctoral dissertation. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
00118301DissertationDavid W Dinwoodie - ddinwood@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00218396DissertationSuzanne R Oakdale - soakdale@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00310204DissertationEmily L Jones - elj@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00410205DissertationJames L Boone - jboone@unm.edu3 TO 1225

Michael W Graves - mwgraves@unm.edu325

Jeffrey C Long - jlo@unm.edu3 TO 1225

Frances M Hayashida - fmh@unm.edu3 TO 1225
01810210DissertationJames Dixon - jdixon@unm.edu3 TO 1225
04310218DissertationHillard S Kaplan - hkaplan@unm.edu3 TO 1225
04410219DissertationWirt H Wills - wwills@unm.edu3 TO 1225
04910220DissertationPatricia L Crown - pcrown@unm.edu3 TO 1225
05210221DissertationLes W Field - lesfield@unm.edu3 TO 1225
05610222Dissertation Staff 3 TO 1225
06610224DissertationOsbjorn Pearson - ompear@unm.edu3 TO 1225
07610229DissertationHeather J Edgar - hedgar@salud.unm.edu3 TO 1225
07810230DissertationDavid A Phillips - dap@unm.edu3 TO 1225
08010231DissertationKeith L Hunley - khunley@unm.edu3 TO 1225