2022 UNM Southwestern Field School

Start Date: Jun 06, 2022 - 08:00am
End Date: Jul 15, 2022 - 05:00pm
Location: Pajarito Plateau
This summer’s field session will take place on the beautiful Pajarito Plateau from June 6 through July 15, 2022 in partnership with Los Alamos National Laboratory. Students will gain essential hands-on training in non-invasive archaeological field skills, including survey methods, site documentation, manual and digital mapping, and artifact analysis. Specifically, our work will focus on identifying and recording Coalition and Classic period (A.D. 1200-1550) Ancestral Pueblo sites on publicly accessible portions of LANL property. Fieldtrips to significant contemporaneous archaeological sites in the larger area and guest lectures will provide students with a larger historic context for the cultural remains identified during fieldwork. During the first four weeks of the class, students will conduct fieldwork near White Rock, NM, commuting to the field site from Albuquerque together each day in university vehicles. The following two weeks of the course will consist of lab work on the UNM campus working with archaeological collections from the area. Students are responsible for their own food and housing. Please see the application form for additional details related to course registration, fees, and scheduling.
Applications are available on the Anthropology Department website, in the Anthropology Department office, or upon request (hmattson@unm.edu). Please apply early, as enrollment is limited!
Applications due: April 15th
Please submit applications to:
Dr. Hannah Mattson
Anthropology Department
MSC 01 – 1040
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Hibben Undergraduate Fellowships: Undergraduate and recently graduated students of Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native descent are invited to apply for an Undergraduate Hibben Fellowship to cover the cost of attending University of New Mexico’s 2022 Summer Archaeology Field School. The fellowship covers UNM tuition and course fees (6 credit hours, Anth 375), up to $1000 in travel costs, and a stipend of $3000. Learn more or Apply Now