Anthropology Colloquia: Evolutionary and Environmental Dimensions of Primate Aging and Health

Start Date: Mar 29, 2024 - 02:00pm
Location: Hibben 105
On Friday, March 29 at 2 PM in Hibben 105, Dr. Kenneth L Chiou will present his talk Evolutionary and Environmental Dimensions of Primate Aging and Health as part of the Anthropology Colloquia Series.
Dr. Chiou is a biological anthropologist whose work sits at the intersection of anthropology, evolutionary biology, psychology, geroscience, and genomics. His research program seeks to understand how gradients in social experiences and other aspects of the environment influence aging, health, and evolution in primates. His work focuses particularly on genomic underpinnings of the environment-health nexus, exploring this relationship both across generations and within lifetimes. Using three different nonhuman primate model systems (and genera), this talk touches on his work on adaptations to high-altitude environments in geladas, adaptations to novel environments in hybrid baboons, and social and dietary modifiers of aging in macaques.