Fishing for Foodways: The Nature/Culture Dichotomy in Ancestral Pueblo Food Studies

Start Date: Apr 02, 2021 - 10:00am
Location: Presented via Zoom
Jonathan Dombrosky (UNM PhD candidate, Archaeology) presented his talk Fishing for Foodways: The Nature/Culture Dichotomy in Ancestral Pueblo Food Studies on Friday, April 2 at 10 am as part of the 2021 Spring Anthropology Colloquia Speaker Series.
Jonathan is a PhD Candidate and Hibben Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of New Mexico, and a Research Associate of the Crow Canyon Research Institute. He received both his Bachelor’s and Master’s at the University of North Texas. Jon’s dissertation work—funded by an NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Award—focuses on better contextualizing Ancestral Pueblo fishing strategies in the Middle Rio Grande region of New Mexico around the Pueblo IV period. He is generally fascinated by Southwest zooarchaeology during the Late preHispanic/Early Historic period, and leads projects centered on understanding raptor management and the intricacies of garden hunting. Jon has broad interests in human behavioral ecology, stable isotope ecology, conservation biology, and environmental science.
Hosted by the Department of Anthropology, the Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies, and the Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII) the Department Colloquia Speaker Series will be held virtually via Zoom on Fridays at 10 am, and will be made available on our You Tube account following the event. Upcoming speakers include (more details forthcoming):
April 9 Osbjorn Pearson (UNM)
April 16 Jada Benn Torres (Vanderbilt University)
April 23 Nicholas Emlen (University of Tübingen)
April 30 Suzanne Gaskins (Northeastern Illinois)
May 7 Zwedi Tsegai (Max Planck Institute)