Horses and Humans in the Americas: Archaeology and Indigenous Horse Use from the North American West to Argentina


Start Date: Oct 22, 2020 - 03:30pm

Location: Presented via Zoom

On Thursday, October 22 at 3:30 pm, Dr. Emily Lena Jones along with co-authors Juan Bautista Belardi and William Taylor (UNM PhD, 2016) will present their talk Horses and Humans in the Americas: Archaeology and Indigenous Horse Use from the North American West to Argentina  via Zoom.  Register here for the event

After their introduction by the Spanish after 1492 CE, horses, mules, and donkeys flourished throughout the Americas and were widely adopted by Indigenous peoples. Our collaborative research uses a combination of ethnoarchaeology, collections-based zooarchaeological research, and archaeological science to understand how, when, and why this process took place. In this interactive panel discussion we will explore what we know about horses and people in western North America and in Argentina, what changes the its introduction brought, the methods we have developed for answering questions about the use of the horse by Indigenous societies, and some of our preliminary results.