Incorporating Cultural Transformation in Forensic Casework: Insights from South Texas and Guatemala

Start Date: Apr 04, 2024 - 06:00pm
Location: Continuing Education North Building, Room B
On Thursday, April 4 at 6 pm in Continuing Education North Building, Room B, Dr. M. Kate Spradley (Texas State University), Licenciado Daniel JImenez (Coordinator of Anthropology Laboratory, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses de Guatemala) and Dr. Nicholas P. Herrmann (Texas State University) will present a discussion Incorporating Cultural Transformation in Forensic Casework: Insights from South Texas and Guatemala. These talks highlight the role of forensic anthropology in creating a nexus for non-governmental organizations, local law enforcement, and broader communities with missing family members, while still engaging with the scientific processes involved in identification. This event highlights two examples involving clandestine migration across the US-Mexico border in South Texas and natural disasters in Guatemala.
This talk is sponsored by the UNM Department of Anthropology Bridge Lab (directed by Dr. Heather Edgar) and the Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies.