Indigenous Borderlands in North America Symposium

Start Date: Nov 02, 2022 - 08:00am
End Date: Nov 05, 2022 - 03:00pm
Location: National Hispanic Cultural Center
Starting on Wednesday, November 2 through Saturday, November 5, the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque will be hosting the Indigenous Borderlands in North America Symposium. Registration is required
This symposium seeks to develop new borderland and border-crossing approaches to continental North America that center Indigenous peoples, homelands, political concerns, and related dynamics – temporally and spatially expanding borderlands frameworks.
Academics and Community Members Together
Bringing historians in strategic conversation with scholars of other disciplines and with Indigenous community members, we ask how cross-disciplinary and community-facing dialogue can advance humanistic knowledge, developing new ways to envision borders, crossings, histories, and futures in contexts of social and environmental change.
First in a Series
This symposium launches a series of international symposia and workshops on Indigenous borderlands in American and global contexts.
This event is free and open to the public
Sponsors include: Center for the Southwest, UNM; National Endowment for the Humanities; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada; Center for Regional Studies, UNM; Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies, UNM; Latin American and Iberian Institute, UNM; Western Hemisphere Center—Guadalupe Institute; UNM Office of Vice President for Research; College of Arts & Sciences, UNM; Institute for American Indian Research, UNM; Biology Department, UNM; History Department, Princeton; Sustainability Studies, UNM; R.H. Mallory Center for Community Geography, UNM; American Studies Department, UNM; History Department, UNM; National Hispanic Cultural Center; Native American Studies Department, UNM