Male Takeovers Accelerate Female Maturation and Weaning in Wild Geladas

Start Date: Oct 01, 2021 - 02:00pm
Location: Presented via Zoom
Dr. Amy Lu will present her talk Male Takeovers Accelerate Female Maturation and Weaning in Wild Geladas on Friday, October 1 at 2 pm as part of the 2021 Fall Anthropology Colloquia Speaker Series. You can access the talk here. You can obtain the passcode by emailing Dr. Ian Wallace at
Amy Lu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Stony Brook University. Her research primarily focuses on female reproductive strategies and offspring development, focusing on wild primates. She co-directs the Simien Mountains Gelada Project, where her current NSF-funded research explores how variable weaning strategies influence offspring growth and immunity in wild geladas. She graduated from the Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Physical Anthropology at Stony Brook University in 2009, spent 3 years as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan and the University of Illinois, and joined the Department of Anthropology at Stony Brook University in 2014.
Hosted by the UNM Department of Anthropology, the Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies, and the Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII) the Department Colloquia Speaker Series will continue this semester. Talks from this years series are available on our You Tube for your viewing.
Upcoming talks include:
10/22 Sarah Leiter, New Mexico Folklore Scholar Award (UNM Anthropology)
11/5 Dr. Dimitri Brown (School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe)
11/19 Dr. Matthew Schmader (UNM Anthropology)
12/3 Dr. Evelyn Jagoda (Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT)