Thatcher Rogers presents Robinson Pueblo and the Archaeology of the Sierra Blanca, New Mexico

Start Date: Oct 07, 2019 - 06:30pm
Location: Sandia Ranger Station, Tijeras
As part of the Friends of Tijeras Pueblo Monthly Lecture Series, Thatcher Rogers (Archaeology doctoral student) will present his talk Robinson Pueblo and the Archaeology of the Sierra Blanca, New Mexicoat the Sandia Ranger Station in Tijeras on Tuesday, October 8 at 6:30 pm.
Thatcher's research focuses on the late pre-hispanic Casas Grandes culture of northwestern Chihuahua and its cultural manifestations and interactions with groups throughout the International Four Corners. His talk will focus on the Capitan North Archaeological Project, conducted between 1984-1986 by Jane Kelley and colleagues, which was an investigation into the archaeology of the Sierra Blanca region, south-central New Mexico. A primary focus was on the excavation of Robinson Pueblo (LA 46326), a 150-room community. A final excavation report for Robinson Pueblo was never completed, with only preliminary papers given at the fifth Biennial Mogollon Conference in 1988. The artifacts and archival documents were eventually housed at the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, where they have remained relatively undisturbed. Thatcher will discuss the prehistory of the Sierra Blanca region, the results of the excavations at Robinson Pueblo, and contextualize the site's importance.
A $5 donation will be asked of non-members.