Victoria Monagle presents Breakfast with O’Keeffe Online: A Collection of Bones

Start Date: Sep 02, 2020 - 09:00am
End Date: Sep 02, 2020 - 10:00am
Location: Presented via Zoom
Victoria Monagle will present a virtual lecture: Breakfast with O’Keeffe Online: A Collection of Bones on Wednesday September 2 from 9-10 am. Register here
Among the artifacts preserved by the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum is the collection of animal bones O’Keeffe used as inspiration for many of her works. This talk will present the zooarchaeological results of a project of Museum Fellow Victoria Monagle, including a detailed overview and photos of which species and bone elements were identified within the collection and how they were portrayed in paintings by O’Keeffe. Victoria Monagle is a 5th year PhD student at the University of New Mexico. She specializes in Zooarchaeology and researches prehistoric dogs in the Pueblo Southwest.
Free. One registration needed per household.