Dr. Catherine Rhodes awarded a U.S. Scholars Fulbright Fellowship to Mexico
Departmental News
Posted: May 29, 2024 - 12:00pm

Catherine R. Rhodes is an Assistant Professor in the Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology (SCALA) program in the UNM Anthropology Department and founding director of the Maya (Yucatec) Language Program at the University of New Mexico. She has been awarded a U.S. Scholars Fulbright Fellowship to Mexico for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Dr. Rhodes will complete a teaching and research fellowship at the Autonomous University of Yucatan (UADY). Through the fellowship, she will introduce linguistic anthropology, a uniquely American field, to Spanish-speakers and develop the first linguistic anthropology curricula in Spanish. She will research teaching and learning best-practices in Mexican higher education and apply her findings to the design of two linguistic anthropology courses—one graduate, one undergraduate. In these courses, she will pilot-test the Spanish-language first edition of El Lenguaje Vivo: Una introducción a la antropología lingüística, which is a cultural and linguistic adaption of the best-selling English-language linguistic anthropology text, Living Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology. Dr. Rhodes is co-author of the 4th edition with Laura Ahearn (under contract with Wiley-Blackwell). Dr. Rhodes will also establish a new international teaching collaboration at the UADY for ongoing delivery of both courses.