Dr. Emily Jones awarded SAR Weatherhead Resident Scholar Fellowship

Departmental News

Posted:  May 24, 2024 - 12:00pm

Dr. Emily Jones awarded School for Advanced Research (SAR) Weatherhead Resident Scholar Fellowship for the 2024-2025 academic year.  SAR offers nine-month appointments to a selection of scholars who have completed their research and require time, space and collaborative support to prepare manuscripts or dissertations on topics important to the understanding of humankind. Resident Scholars approach research from the perspective of anthropology or from related fields such as history or sociology.  During her fellowship, she will work on her project Across a Threshold: People, Animals, and Landscapes in Central New Mexico, 1300 – 1950 CE.
The Tiguex War of 1540 marked the start of a dramatic socio-economic transformation of central New Mexico. Today home to Albuquerque and the associated urban sprawl of a 21st century Western city, the archaeological and historic records of the past five centuries in this region demonstrate the long-term impacts of the so-called “Columbian exchange” as well as the connection of these impacts to contemporary environmental change. Was this transformation a gradual process, with each step having a cumulative impact? Or was the transition more of a threshold change—an abrupt change in environmental processes and/or species composition in a formerly resilient landscape? Jones’s work uses animal remains from archaeological sites, in conjunction with other documentary, paleoecological, and archaeological evidence, to answer these questions.