Departmental News
May 02, 2019 - 12:00am
In the fall semester, Associate Professor Frances Hayashida had a Fulbright Award in Chile, where she taught in the graduate program in archaeology at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago, visited with colleagues at the Universidad Católica del Norte in San Pedro de Atacama, and carried out fieldwork with Chilean and Spanish collaborators at the site of Turi in the high altitude Atacama of northern Chile. The fieldwork, part of a multi-year project co-directed by Professor Hayashida, César Parcero (Institute for Heritage Sciences, Spain), and Diego Salazar and Andrés Troncoso (Universidad de Chile), focused on transformations in land use and related ritual practices (copper mineral offerings) when Turi and the surrounding region were incorporated into the Inka Empire. Doctoral student Beau Murphy also participated in the research at Turi, collecting information on the architectural reorganization of the site under Inka rule. In addition to the Fulbright, the fieldwork was supported by a Snead-Wertheim Endowed Lectureship Award to Professor Hayashida and a grant from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain to César Parcero. Advance at UNM, supported by a cooperative NSF agreement to address issues facing women and minorities in academia, features Dr. Hayashida's research in Chile in a recent You Tube clip.