Dr. Jill Jordan Appointed the George Stuart Residential Scholar
Departmental News
Posted: Sep 30, 2019 - 10:00am

Dr. Jill Jordan has been appointed the George Stuart Residential Scholar at the Boundary End Center for the 2019-2020 academic year. The BEC was established in 1997 as a scholarly retreat, library, and meeting space by Dr. George Stuart, formerly Associate Editor of the National Geographic Magazine. As the George Stuart Residential Scholar, Jill is conducting research for a Wenner-Gren Post-PhD project entitled Investigating the Effects of Societal Collapse on Information Exchange, Community Interaction, and Social Boundaries in the Maya Lowlands. She is also teaching classes at Warren Wilson College and will build upon George Stuart’s public outreach legacy through public lectures, workshops, and keeping an open-door policy for visitors and short-term visiting scholars. The residential scholarship provides a tranquil place in the Blue Ridge Mountains to pursue research on the ancient Maya and interact with other scholars interested in the history of the Americas.