How to Publish Your First Book: SAR Press Talks to Nicholas Barron
Departmental News
Posted: Nov 11, 2020 - 01:00pm

Dr. Nicholas Barron (UNM PhD, 2020) has been featured in a new blog series developed by the School for Advanced Research (SAR), which will be comprised of interviews with diverse scholars including first-generation scholars and scholars from marginalized communities who have recently published or are in the midst of publishing their first book and who can offer guidance and encouragement to colleagues who are just starting to think about publishing.
Dr. Barron, SAR’s 2020 William Y. and Nettie K. Adams Summer Scholar, is the first speaker in the series. While at SAR, Barron worked on a book manuscript titled Applying Anthropology, Assembling Community: The Co-production of Social Science and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe in Southern Arizona, in which he maps the ways that members of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe have selectively and creatively engaged the discipline of anthropology in their efforts to assemble and reassemble themselves as a distinct culture and polity. Read more