Paulina Przystupa Receives Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Alexandria Archive/Open Source
Departmental News
Posted: Oct 21, 2020 - 09:00am

Paulina Przystupa, graduate student in archaeology, has received a three-year postdoctoral position at the Alexandria Archive/Open Source. She will be their Postdoctoral Researcher in Data Visualization and Reproducibility helping to lead their Data Visualization Program. Paulina will remain in Albuquerque for the immediate future while working for the AAI/Open Source and completing her doctorate.
The AAI / Open Context team leads the Data Literacy Program, a new undertaking supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Data Literacy Program aims to widen and diversify uses of cultural heritage data by crafting open access “data stories” backed by deeper layers of open and reproducible analytic and visualization code, as well as primary research data. The postdoctoral researchers bring their individual expertise and diverse backgrounds to this new, multi-year collaboration building data stories and scaffolding to guide professionals, students, and lifelong learners in thoughtful engagement with research data. Read more here