David Dinwoodie
Associate Professor

Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology
- At UNM since
- 1996
- Email:
- ddinwood@unm.edu
- Curriculum vitae
Recent Courses:
- Theory in Ethnology I (ANTH 546)
- Semiotics of ‘Ethnohistory’ (ANTH 530)
- Politics of Recognition (ANTH 530)
- Colonialism, Nationalism, Settler Colonialism (ANTH 540)
- Anth 340/530 Global Trade (ANTH 340/530)
BA, University of Montana (1986)
MA, University of Chicago (1987)
PhD, University of Chicago (1996)
Dissertation: “Reserve Memories: A Study of Historical Consciousness on the Nemiah Valley Indian Reservation”
Recent Publications:
Dinwoodie, David W. The Plateau: Trends in Ethno-Cultural Research from the 1990s. Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 1. Washington: Smithsonian. Fall 2022.
Dinwoodie, David W. Review of Wendy Wickwire, At the Bridge: James Teit and an Anthropology of Belonging. Anthropologica 62(1) 216-7. 2020.
Dinwoodie, David W. Review of Raymond J. DeMallie, Douglas R. Parks, Robert Vezina, eds., A Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri: The Journal and Description of Jean-Baptiste Truteau, 1794-1796. Journal of Anthropological Research 75.2: 296-7. 2019.
Dinwoodie, David W. Aboriginal Political Subjectivities in the Columbia District, 1821-46. In Roland Bohr, ed., Selected Papers of the 17th Rupert’s Land Colloquium, 18-21 May 2016, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Pp. 71-82. Winnipeg: Centre for Rupert’s Land Studies. 2016.
Dinwoodie, David W. Boas and the Young Intellectuals: Exploring the American Context of Anthropology and Modern Life. In Regna Darnell and Frederic W. Gleach, eds., Historicizing Theories, Identities, and Nations. Histories of Anthropology Annual, Volume 11. Pp. 61-86. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 2017.