Grant Snitker
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor (appointed via Letter of Academic Title)
Director, Cultural Resource Sciences Program, New Mexico Consortium
New Mexico Consortium
PhD, Arizona State University (2019)

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BA, University of Oregon (2006)
MA, Arizona State University (2013)
PhD, Arizona State University (2019)
Dissertation: "Anthropogenic Fire and the Development of Agricultural Landscapes: Connecting Archaeology, Paleoecology, and Fire Science to Evaluate Human Impacts on Fire Regimes”
Environmental Archaeology, Anthropogenic Fire and Fuels, Technology and Big Data in CRM, Fire Effects on Cultural Resources, Charcoal Analysis, Paleoecology / Global Paleofire, Computational Modeling in Archaeology
Recent Publications:
Cegielski, Wendy, Grant Snitker, C. Michael Barton, Joan Bernabeu Aubán, Alfredo Cortell-Nicolau, Salvador Pardo-Gordó, Sean Bergin, Agustín Diez Castillo. (2023). A multi-method approach with machine learning to evaluating the distribution and intensity of prehistoric land use in Eastern Iberia. Quaternary International 677–678, 78–94.
Bergin, Sean and Grant Snitker. (2023). ArchaeoSRP: An R Package for Extracting and Synthesizing Federal Cultural Resources Data for Research and Management. Advances in Archaeological Practice 11(4): 402–412.
Servera-Vives, Gabriel, Maurici Mus Amezquita, Grant Snitker, Assunta Florenzano, Paola Torri, Maurici Ruiz, Anna Maria Mercuri. (2023). Human-impact gradients through anthropogenic pollen indicators in a Mediterranean mosaic landscape (Balearic Islands). Sustainability 15 (11), 8807.
Servera-Vives, Gabriel, Cristina Ricucci, and Grant Snitker. (2023). OLEAtool: An open-source software for morphopalynological research in Olea europaea L. pollen. Open Research Europe 3, 29.
Snitker, Grant, Christopher I. Roos, Alan P. Sullivan, S. Yoshi Maezumi, Douglas W. Bird, Michael R. Coughlan, Kelly M. Derr, Anna Klimaszewski-Patterson, and Rachel A. Loehman. (2022). A collaborative agenda for archaeology and fire science. Nature: Ecology & Evolution 6, 835–839.
Servera-Vives, Gabriel, Maurici Mus Amezquita, Grant Snitker, Assunta Florenzano, Paola Torri, Joan Estrany, and Anna Maria Mercuri. (2022). Modern pollen analogues for the understanding of pollen-vegetation relationships in a Mediterranean mosaic landscape (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean). The Holocene 32(7):716–734.
Snitker, Grant, Jason Moser, Bobby Southerlin, and Christina Stewart. (2022). Detecting historic tar kilns and tar production sites using high-resolution, aerial LiDAR derived digital elevation models: introducing the Tar Kiln Feature Detection workflow (TKFD using open-access R and FIJI software. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 41, 103340.
Snitker, Grant. (2022). The Charcoal Quantification Tool (CharTool): A Suite of Open-source Tools for Quantifying Charcoal Fragments and Sediment Properties in Archaeological and Paleoecological Analysis. Ethnobiology Letters 11(1):103–115.