Heather J H Edgar
Forensic Anthropologist, Office of the Medical Investigator (OMI); Director, Bridge Lab

Evolutionary Anthropology
- At UNM since
- 2003
- Email:
- hjhedgar@unm.edu
- Curriculum vitae
- Website/s:
- https://bridgelab.wixsite.com/unmanthro
Recent Courses:
- Human Paleopathology (ANTH 454/554)
- Dental Anthropology (ANTH 458/558)
- Advanced Osteology (ANTH 459/559)
- Human Variation and the Concept of Race (450/550)
MA, Arizona State University (1994)
PhD, The Ohio State University (2002)
Dissertation: "Biological Distance and the African-American Dentition"
Recent Publications:
Moes E, Willermet C, Hunley KL, Ragsdale CS, Edgar HJH. Early view. Childhood stress and developmental instability: comparing microscopic enamel defects and cranial fluctuating asymmetry in a colonial Mexican sample. Am J Biol Anthropol. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24585
Edgar HJH, Pilloud MA. 2021. A reassessment of assessing race: “ancestry” estimation and its implications for forensic anthropology and beyond. Forensic Anthropol4(4):67-72.
Edgar HJH, Ousley SD. 2021. Testing the homogeneity of “White”: dental morphology in Americans and Australians of European descent. Forensic Anthropol 4(4):161-170.
O’Donnell L, Hill EC, Anderson AS, Edgar HJH. 2021. A biological approach to adult sex differences in skeletal indicators of childhood stress. Am J Biol Anthropol. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24424
Daneshvari Berry S, Edgar HJH, Mosley C, Hunley K. 2021. Refined, regionally-specific data standards reveal heterogeneity in Hispanic death records. AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science proceedings 2021. PMC8378615
Hunley KL, Moes E, Edgar HJH, Mosley C, Healy M, Dixon A. 2021. Colonialism, ethnogenesis, and biogeographic ancestry in the US Southwest. Am J Phys Anthropol. 176:559-571. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24380. AJPA Editor’s Choice December 2021.
Edgar HJH, Moes E, Willermet CM, Ragsdale CS. 2021. Brief communication: conventional microscopy makes perikymata count and spacing data feasible for large samples. Am J Phys Anthropol. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24369
Rusk K, Hunley K, Mosley C, Healy M, Archer, G, Edgar H (corresponding author). 2021. Facial fluctuating asymmetry as a signal for developmental origins of health and disease in a living human sample. Homo: Journal of Comparative Human Anatomy.
Gross J, Edgar HJH. 2021. Geographic and temporal diversity in dental morphology reflects a history of admixture, isolation, and genetic drift in African Americans. Am J Phys Anthropol. doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24258
O’Donnell L, Edgar HJH. 2021. Social determinants of health and wealth in historic African Americans. Biodemography Social Biol 66(1):69-89.