James Boone

- At UNM since
- 1987
- Email:
- jboone@unm.edu
- Phone:
- 505-990-4514
- Curriculum vitae
Recent Courses:
- Introduction to Anthropology (ANTH 101)
- Archaeological Method and Theory (ANTH 120)
- Later European Prehistory (ANTH 326)
- Topics in Archaeology: Medieval Archaeology (ANTH 420)
- Topics in Archaeology: Iron Age Europe (ANTH 420)
- Current Debates (ANTH 579)
- Evolution of Sociality (ANTH 667)
MA, State University of New York (1977)
PhD, State University of New York, Binghamton (1980)
Dissertation: "Artifact Deposition and Demographic Change: A Case Study of Medieval Colonialism in the Age of Expansion"
Recent Publications:
J Boone, 2002. Subsistence Strategies and Early Human Population History: An Evolutionary Ecological Perspective. World Archaeology 34: 6-25.
J Boone and K Kramer, 2002. Why Do Intensive Agriculturalists Have Higher Fertility? A Household Labor Budget Approach. Current Anthropology 43: 511-17.
J Boone, 2000. Status Signaling, Social Power, and Lineage Survival. In M Diehl, ed., Hierarchies in Action: Qui Bono? Center for Archeological Studies: Carbondale, IL. pp. 84-110.
J Boone and NL Benco, 1999. Islamic Settlement in North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. Annual Reviews in Anthropology 28: 51-71.
J Boone and K Kessler, 1999. More Status or More Children: Social Status, Fertility Reduction, and Long-term Fitness. Evolution and Human Behavior 20: 257-77.
J Boone and EA Smith, 1998. Is It Evolution Yet?: A Critique of Evolutionary Archaeology. Current Anthropology 39: S141-S173.
J Boone, 1998. The Evolution of Magnanimity: When Is It Better to Give Than to Receive? Human Nature 9: 1-21.