Julie Griffin Salvador
UNM Department of Psychiatry, Center for Rural and Community Behavioral Health
Secondary Appointment Anthropology
PhD, University of New Mexico (2001)

- At UNM since
- 2008
- Email:
- jgsalvador@salud.unm.edu
- Curriculum vitae
- Website/s:
- https://hsc.unm.edu/echo/institute-programs/mat/
I have extensive experience conducting federally supported research and have served as the scientific lead and primary researcher on studies funded under the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the National Institutes on Drug Abuse, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and state-funded contracts to support the New Mexico Behavioral Health Services Division and Children Youth and Families Department. I prioritize research collaborations between the state and University of New Mexico to help ensure project findings are incorporated into practice and impact policies to improve health outcomes. My research for the past 8 years has focused on models and strategies to support providers to implement and sustain evidence-based practices in behavioral health, primarily substance use disorders. I am the PD/PI currently on the following health services research studies to expand access to substance use disorder treatment, specifically opioids and stimulants. The State Opioid Response Grant 1, State Opioid Response Grant 2 (both SAMHSA funded) and the ECHO-F Model for Expansion of MAT in Rural Primary Care (AHRQ funded). I am also a consultant for the University of New Mexico Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS) grant to embed training and shadowing experience for treatment of opioid use disorder using buprenorphine into the UNM medical, physician assistant, nursing schools and into an array of residency programs. A main focus for all these projects is expansion of medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder through direct services and studying models to support implementation of buprenorphine treatment in primary care settings.
Recent Publications:
Salvador J, Bhatt S, Fowler R, Ritz J, James R, Jacobsohn V, Brakey HR, Sussman AL. (2019). Engagement With Project ECHO to Increase Medication-Assisted Treatment in Rural Primary Care. Psychiatric Services. Dec 1;70(12):1157-1160. doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.201900142. Epub 2019 Aug 22.
Katzman JG, Takeda MY, Greenberg N, Moya Balasch M, Alchbli A, Katzman WG, Salvador JG, Bhatt SR. (2020). Association of Take-Home Naloxone and Opioid Overdose Reversals Performed by Patients in an Opioid Treatment Program JAMA Network Open. 2020;3(2):e200117. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.0117
Salvador J, Duran D, Bonham C, Crisanti A. (2020). Association between Trauma-Specific Treatment Intensity and Mental Health Outcomes during the Pregnant and Postpartum Period for Women in Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorder. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(8), 2146-2154
Salvador J. Sussman AL, Takeda M , Katzman WG, Moya Balasch M, & Katzman JG. (2020). Barriers to and Recommendations for Take-Home Naloxone Distribution: Perspectives from Opioid Treatment Programs in New Mexico. Harm Reduction, (17)1:31. 10.1186/s12954-020-00375-2
Kano M, Salvador J. Katzman W, Sussman AL, & Takeda M. (2020). “You’ve got to care to carry this stuff:” Community implications from take-home naloxone use: a qualitative study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. Volume 115, August 2020, 108030https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsat.2020.108030
Salvador JG, Bhatt S, Jacobsohn V. Maley L, AlKhafaji R, Rishel Brakey H, & Sussman AL. Feasibility and acceptability of an online ECHO intervention to expand access to medications for treatment of opioid use disorder, psychosocial treatments and supports,Substance Abuse, DOI: 1080/08897077.2020.1806184 (2020).
Cole ES, DiDomenico E, Green S, Heil SKR, Hilliard T, Mossburg SE, Sussman AL, Warwick J, Westfall JM, Zittleman L, Salvador JG. The who, the what, and the how: A description of strategies and lessons learned to expand access to medications for opioid use disorder in rural America Substance Abuse, 2021 Mar 9:1-7. doi: 0.1080/08897077.2021.1891492. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33689594.