Loa P Traxler
Associate Professor
Director, Museum Studies Program

- At UNM since
- 2013
- Email:
- lptraxler@unm.edu
- Curriculum vitae
Recent Courses:
- Maya Prehistory and Archaeology (ANTH 376/570)
- Museum Collection Management (MSST 476/576)
Dissertation: “Evolution and Social Meaning of Patio and Courtyard Group Architecture of the Early Classic Acropolis, Copan, Honduras”
Recent Publications:
2017 McNeil, C., W. J. Hurst, R. Sharer, E. Bell and L. Traxler. “El uso del cacao por la Élite Maya durante el Período Clásico Temprano en Copán.” Yaxkin, Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
2016 Traxler, L. and R. Sharer (editors). The Origins of Maya States. University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia, PA.
2016 Traxler, L. “El Centro del Poder para los Reyes de Copán.” Revista Ciencias Espaciales, Volumen 9 Número 2 Otoño, p. 52-72. Facultad de Ciencias Espaciales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
2012 Traxler, L. “Time Beyond Kings.” Expedition 54(1):36-43.
2012 Sharer, R. and L. Traxler. “Copan and Quirigua: Shifting Destinies in the Southeastern Maya Lowlands.” Contributions in New World Archaeology, Vol. 4, p. 141-158. Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences: Jagiellonian University, Institute of Archaeology, Kraków, Poland.
2012 Traxler, L. Catalogue Entries, Plates 12, 53, and 58. In Ancient Maya Art at Dumbarton Oaks, Pre-Columbian Art at Dumbarton Oaks, No. 4. J. Pillsbury, M. Doutriaux, R. Ishihara-Brito, and A. Tokovinine, editors. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, DC.
2010 Price, T. D., J. H. Burton, R. J. Sharer, L. Traxler, J. E. Buikstra, L. E. Wright, and K. A. Miller. “Kings and commoners at Copan: Isotopic evidence for origins and movement in the Classic Maya period.” Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29(1):15-32.
2006 Sharer, R. J. with L. P. Traxler. The Ancient Maya, Sixth Edition. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
2004 Traxler, L. “Redesigning Copan: Architecture of the Polity Center at the Time of the Dynastic Founding.” In Understanding Early Classic Copan, edited by E. Bell, M. Canuto, and R. Sharer. University of Pennsylvania Museum Press, Philadelphia, PA.
2003 Traxler, L. “At Court in Copan: Palace Groups of the Early Classic.” In Maya Palaces and Elite Residences, edited by J. Christie. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX.