Michael Graves
Director, Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies

- At UNM since
- 2007
- Email:
- mwgraves@unm.edu
- Curriculum vitae
Recent Courses:
- Introduction to Archaeological Method and Theory (ANTH 1211)
- Strategy of Archaeology (ANTH 320)
- Anthropology of Heritage (ANTH 381/581)
- Ancient Polynesian Societies (ANTH 420/570)
- Science in Archaeology (ANTH 572)
- History Theory in Archaeology (574)
BA (cum laude), University of Washington (1974)
PhD, University of Arizona (1981)
Dissertation: “The Ethnoarchaeology of Kalinga Ceramic Design”
Evolution of prehistoric agriculture, social organization and complexity; geospatial studies; architectural and ceramic stylistic analysis; history of archaeology; Oceania (Hawai’i, Micronesia).
Recent Publications:
Ladefoged, T.N., A. Preston, P.M. Vitousek, O.A. Chadwick, J. Stein, M.W. Graves, and N. Lincoln, 2018. Soil Nutrients and Pre-European Contact Agriculture in the Leeward Kohala Field System, Island of Hawai‘i. Archaeology in Oceania, 53: 28-40.
Graves, M.W., J. Skibo, M.T. Stark, and M.B. Schiffer, 2016. An Anthropological Archaeologist: The Contributions of William A. Longacre to Archaeological Theory, Method and Practice. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 23 (3): 990–1022.
Field, J.S., and M.W. Graves (editors), 2015. Abundance and Resilience: Farming and Foraging in Ancient Kaua‘i. University of Hawai‘i Press, Honolulu, HI.
Field, J.S., and M.W. Graves, 2015. Synthesis: The Prehistory of Nuʻalolo Kai. In Abundance and Resilience: Farming and Foraging in Ancient Kaua`i, edited by J.S. Field and M.W. Graves. University of Hawai‘i Press, Honolulu. Pp. 188-206.
Graves, M.W., S. Jolivette, K.S. Esh, and J.S. Field, 2015. Modified and Unmodified Turtle Remains from Nu‘alolo Kai. In Abundance and Resilience: Farming and Foraging in Ancient Kaua‘i, edited by J.S. Field and M.W. Graves. University of Hawai‘i Press, Honolulu. Pp. 61-74.
McCoy, M.D., G.P. Asner, and M.W. Graves, 2011. Airborne Lidar Survey of Irrigated Agricultural Landscapes: An Application of the Slope Contrast Method. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38: 2141-2154.
Graves, M.W., C. Kēhaunani Cachola-Abad, and T.N. Ladefoged, 2011. Modeling the Evolutionary Ecology of Hawaiian Complex Chiefdoms: A Case Study from Hawai‘i Island. In Roots of Conflict: Soils, Agriculture, and Sociopolitical Complexity in Ancient Hawai‘i, edited by P.V. Kirch. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, NM Pp. 135-162.
Ladefoged, T.N., and M.W. Graves, 2011. The Leeward Kohala Field System (LKFS).In Roots of Conflict: Soils, Agriculture, and Sociopolitical Complexity in Ancient Hawai‘i, edited by P.V. Kirch. School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, NM. Pp. 89-110.
McCoy, M.D., and M.W. Graves, 2010. What Shaped Agricultural Innovation in Hawai‘i? A Case Study in the History of Innovative Agricultural Practices on Hawai‘i Island. World Archaeology, 42(1): 90-107.