Wirt Wills
Professor and Regents' Lecturer
Director, Chaco Canyon Archaeological Research Lab

- At UNM since
- 1986
- Email:
- wwills@unm.edu
- Phone:
- 505-277-5005
- Curriculum vitae
Recent Courses:
- Introduction to Archaeological Method and Theory (ANTH 120)
- World Prehistory (ANTH 220)
- Southwest Archaeology (ANTH 321)
- Field School (ANTH 375)
- Seminar in Chaco Archaeology (ANTH 420/520)
- Field Methods in Archaeology (ANTH 475/573L)
- Current Debates in Archaeology (ANTH 579)
MA, University of Michigan (1980)
PhD, University of Michigan (1985)
Dissertation: “Early Agriculture in the Mogollon Highlands of New Mexico”
Recent Publications:
2022 Communication in the Chaco World: A Consideration of Time and Labor Mobilization. W. H. Wills, Paulina Pryztupa and Katharine Williams. American Antiquity 87(3):457-486. (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-antiquity/latest-issue)
2021 The Pueblo Bonito Mounds: Formation History, Architectural Context and Representational Fields. W. H. Wills, Katharine Williams, Beau Murphy, Paulina Pryztupa, and Wetherbee B. Dorshow. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 63(2021) 101322 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaa.2021.101322)
2020 Evaluating the Gridded Agricultural Field Model in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Using Geophysical Remote Sensing. Jennie O. Sturm and W. H. Wills. American Antiquity 85(2) 367-382. (https://doi.org/10.1017/aaq.2019.98)
2018 The Complex History of Pueblo Bonito and Its Interpretation. Patricia L. Crown and W. H. Wills. Antiquity Vol. 92(364):890-904. Special Issue. (https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2018.138)
2018 Stable Oxygen Isotope Sourcing of Archaeological Fauna from Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Hamilton, M., B. L. Drake, W. H. Wills, E. Jones, C. Conrad and P. L. Crown. American Antiquity 83 (1):163-175. (https://doi.org/10.1017/aaq.2017.61)
2017 Water Management and the Political Economy of Chaco Canyon During the Bonito Phase (ca. AD 850 to 1200).
Kiva: The Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 83:369-413. (https://doi.org/10.1080/00231940.2017.1343109)