Anthropological Genetics

- Director/s:
- Dr. Keith Hunley
- Location:
- Anthropology 164
- Website/s:
Research projects span two million years of our evolutionary history, from the origin of the genus Homo in the Pleistocene to the formation of ethnic groups in New Mexico over the past 400 years. The common thread across our diverse research projects is an interest in the persistence of genetic and linguistic structure within our species despite the fluid nature of population boundaries and the ephemeral nature of individual groups. Our publications explore the initial dispersal of humans from Africa, the non-existence of biological races, the co-evolution of genes and languages, the impact of colonial migration on ethnogenesis, and the social determinants of interest and uptake of genetic testing for disease risk.
Hunley K, Edgar H, Healy M, Mosley C. Colonialism and the co-evolution of ethnic and genetic structure in New Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171: 509-519. 2020
Healy H, Edgar H, Mosley Carmen, Hunley K. Associations between ethnic identity, regional history, and genomic ancestry in New Mexicans of Spanish-speaking descent. Biodemography and Social Biology. 64(2): 152-170. 2018
Hunley K, Edgar H, Healy M, Mosley C, Cabana G, West F. Social identity in New Mexicans of Spanish-speaking descent highlights limitations of using standardized ethnic terminology in research. Human Biology. 89(3):217-228. 2017.
Healy ME, Hill D, Berwick M, Edgar H, Gross J, Hunley K. Social-Group Identity and Population Substructure in Admixed Populations in New Mexico and Latin America. PLOS ONE 12(10): e0185503. 2017.
Hunley K, Cabana G. Beyond serial founder effects: the impact of admixture and localized gene flow on patterns of regional genetic diversity. Human Biology. 88(3): 2017.
Hunley K, Gwin K, Liberman B. A Reassessment of the Impact of European Contact on the Structure of Native American Genetic Diversity. PLoS One 11(8), e0161018. 2016.
Hunley KL, Cabana GS, Long JC.The apportionment of human diversity revisited. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 160, 561–569. 2016.