2023 UNM Southwestern Archaeology Field School
Course Dates: Jun 05, 2023 - Jul 14, 2023
Instructor/s: Rebecca Baisden
Course Credits: 6
Field School Costs: $800 course fee
UNM Tuition and Fees (Subject to Change): Standard Tuition and Fees Apply (See UNM Registrar Website for current rates)
Registration Fee: N/A
Download the Application Form

This summer’s field session will take place on both the Jemez Ranger District near Jemez Springs, New Mexico and the Sandia Ranger District near Tijeras, New Mexico. Students will gain essential hands-on training in archaeological field skills, including survey, site recording, manual and digital mapping, and artifact analysis. Sites include large pueblos dating from A.D 1325 to 1650, Ancestral Pueblo field houses, and artifact scatters. Students will stay in Albuquerque and are responsible for their own food and housing. Please see the application form for additional details related to course registration, fees, and scheduling.
Applications are due by April 1, 2023
Applications must include:
- The application form
- Letter of support from a faculty member who is familiar with your work at UNM or the college you attend (may be submitted with application or sent separately by the faculty member.)
- Unofficial transcripts (for UNM students this can be downloaded and printed via Loboweb)
Submit your application materials (compiled into a single PDF with your last name as part of the file name) electronically to Hannah Mattson hmattson@unm.edu and Rebecca Baisden rbaisden@unm.edu by April 1, 2023. Please reference “UNM Archaeology Field School” in the subject line of your email.
Eligible students may be considered for the new Hibben Undergraduate Fellowship for Native American, Hawaiian, Alaskan, and Pacific Islanders providing basic field training in archaeology. The fellowship covers UNM tuition and course fees (6 credit hours, Anth 375), up to $1000 in travel costs, and a stipend of $3000.Recipients will participate in an additional two weeks preparing a final paper and/or poster on the student’s own time.