Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month, May 2024
Departmental News
Posted: Apr 30, 2024 - 12:00pm
UNM celebrates Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month, May 2024. Click on the red links below for more information. Scroll down to read about UNM organizations, events, scholars, the history of AAPI Month, research, news and organizations.
UNM Asian American Pacific Islander Resource Center (AAPIRC)

Mission Statement: The mission of the Asian American Pacific Islander Resource Center is to build a sense of belonging for students of Asian/Pacific Islander/Desi American Heritage during their studies at the University of New Mexico. AAPIRC also seeks to provide culturally relevant programs that cultivate Asian/Pacific Islander leaders within communities. Designation of AAPI includes East Asian, Southeast Asian, Central Asian, South Asian, Pacific Islander, and Arab American students at UNM.
Vision Statement: The vision of AAPIRC is to provide a physical space where students are able to enrich their university social experience and access student services, programs, research, and educational opportunities without feeling the guilts of the "Model Minority Myth" (SC Pacific Asia Museum)."
AAPIRC's Community Submission Based Blog
About the Blog: The Visibility Blog features writings, reviews, artwork, news, and other contributions by and/or about AAPI students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members at UNM and beyond. The aim of this blog is to provide visibility to our often invisibilized experiences. It also provides an opportunity for our community to publish their work, be seen, and be heard.
[UNM] AAPI Resource Center Officially Open: Landmark Occasion for UNM’s Asian American and Pacific Islander Students
First 'Asian American and Pacific Islander Resource Center' Opens Up at UNM
UNM Reconstructing a Resource Center for its AAPI Students
UNM Adds Intro to Asian American Studies Class to Spring 2023 Catalog: Offered in Fall 2024 (CRN 75874)
New Asian American Studies Class Offered at UNM
Farah Nousheen, MA is the Senior Student Success Specialist for the newly established Asian American Pacific Islander Resource Center (AAPIRC) at UNM. She received her masters degree from the UNM American Studies department in 2015. Farah worked as the Sr. Academic Advisor for the College of Arts & Sciences for seven years prior to her recent position as Associate Director of AAPIRC. About the newly formed AAPIRC, she says "Foremost, AAPIRC is a space that aims to foster belonging for AAPI students. Some of our services include advisement, a study space, a meeting space for student organizations, and an annual graduation for AAPI students. We will also host a variety of cultural and educational events...Additionally, we are planning programs in collaboration with other student centers and departments on campus as well as Albuquerque community organizations. It is important to create opportunities for mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being for students. We plan to provide Asian-rooted wellness practices such as yoga, meditation, and qi gong led by AAPI instructors.”
UNM Langage Learning Center
"The mission of the Language Learning Center (LLC) is to support all aspects of language learning at the University of New Mexico. We provide expertise, resources, and space for language classes." Learn more about their Language Programs as well as student Language Clubs, including Chinese, Japanese and Korean language and culture.
UNM International Studies Institute (ISI)
"The International Studies Institute (ISI) is an umbrella organization for the interdisciplinary undergraduate program in International Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of New Mexico. We currently offer a minor in International Studies and a Major in International Studies...ISI's vision is to advance the understanding of global issues and other regions of the world- their peoples, cultures, developments, and challenges- including those that are of strategic and economic interest to the U.S...Serving the undergraduates and affiliated faculty of each program, our mission is to provide greater opportunities for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge about today's world of the UNM campus and throughout the state of New Mexico." Learn more
The Korea-America Student Conference
UNM Department of Philosophy, PHD South Asian Focus
"The Focus in South Asian philosophy at UNM is unique in that it offers graduate students interested in South Asian thought the opportunity to train as philosophers, rather than as specialists in Religious Studies or Area Studies. It allows students to study South Asian intellectual traditions while obtaining a rigorous graduate education in philosophy that qualifies them to teach philosophy at the college level. The Focus is currently in the planning stages to become a formal degree concentration which would appear on official student transcripts.
The Focus emphasizes philosophical engagement with the theories and arguments of South Asian philosophy based on the ability to read its literature with philological and historical sophistication. The latter entails both accessing targeted texts directly in the original languages and reading primary literature extensively in translation. The development of proficiency in either Tibetan or Sanskrit is stressed. As students acquire broad knowledge of the history of philosophy, both Western and Asian, they will also develop a philosopher’s ability to think clearly, critically, and creatively. It is hoped that these diverse competencies will enable students to engage with and contribute to multiple disciplines, since South Asian philosophy lies at the cross-section of several fields of study."
May 1 2-3:15 PM Lesson of Solidarity from the Filipinx American Labor Movement presented by UNM Alum Dr. Alana Bock, hosted by the Asian American and Pacific Islander Resource Center, C&J 119
May 1 Exhibit Opening: The National Museum of Nuclear Science and History honors Asian American and Pacific Islanders’ contributions to STEM through the month of May
May 2 10 MDT Minidoka, an American Concentration Site Virtual Tour, hosted by the AARP Virtual Community Center; Register in Advance
May 2 & additional dates 1-2 PM EDT, Virtual Tour | Art Across Asian Cultures hosted by the Asian Art Museum; Register in Advance
May 4 5-9 PM UNM AAPIRC Graduation Ceremony, UNM Continuing Education 1634 University Blvd NE
May 4 10-3 PM 2024 Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Festival hosted by the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History, 601 Eubank Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123
May 13 12-3:30 EDT Lasting Legacies: A White House Celebration of AA & NHPI Heritage & History (Livestream) hosted by the White House and the White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) Register in Advance
May 15 NOMINATIONS DUE UNM Health Sciences Office for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Excellence Award for Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month; Ceremony on May 30, hosted by the UNM HSC Office for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Register in Advance
eGirl Power AAPI Initiative: Empower (A Dedicated Safe Space, Virtual Social Gatherings, Making a Difference)
Home | Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center virtual exhibits, film, music and more
#MuseumFromHome - Asian Art Museum virtual exhibits
Wing Luke Museum virtual exhibits
Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art virtual exhibits
Museum of Chinese in America
Asian America: The Ken Fong Podcast
The AuthEthnic Podcast
Dear Workplaace: Podcast by Innovators Box
Legends from the Pacific podcast
Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) Storytellers 2021
PBS KVIE provides an array of online/virtual programming
PBS WPI features scholars, podcasts, virtual programming, and more
Virtual: Viral Histories: Stories of Racism, Resilience, and Resistance in Asian American Communities (A series of Interviews from May 2020)
" [Dr.] Mala Htun is a Professor of Political Science at the University of New Mexico. [She was recently elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.] She works on comparative politics, women's rights, social inequalities, and strategies to promote inclusive organizational climates in STEM. Htun is the author of three books, most recently The Logics of Gender Justice: State Action on Women's Rights around the World, co-authored with Laurel Weldon (Cambridge Press, 2018). She has been Vice President of APSA, served as the chair of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession, and co-chaired the Presidential Task Force on Women's Advancement. She has been an Andrew Carnegie Fellow, a fellow at the Kellogg Institute of the University of Notre Dame and the Radcliffe Institute of Harvard, and held the Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship in Japan. She holds a Ph.D. in political science from Harvard and a A.B. in international relations from Stanford. She was an assistant and then associate professor at the New School for Social Research from 2000-2011."
"Dr. [Sang M.] Han is [Regents professor and Department Chair] in the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering and [professor in] Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico (UNM). He earned his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara and his BS in Chemical Engineering with Honors from the University of California at Berkeley. Han is a recipient of Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship in 2012 and 2014; UNM Science and Technology Corporation Creative Award consecutively from 2009 to 2014; UNM School of Engineering Senior Teaching Excellence Award in 2012; UNM Junior Faculty Research Excellence Award in 2005; and NSF Career Award in 2001. Han holds 10 UNM-affiliated issued U.S. patents. He has over 50 publications in peer-reviewed journals and over 150 invited/contributed papers at academic institutions and conferences." Learn more
Dr. Karen J. Leong recently joined the UNM History Department as an Associate Professor. "[Her] research interests are in 20th century U.S. social and cultural history, with a focus on nationalism, borders, and citizenship as articulated through popular culture, immigration policy, and social formations at the intersections of race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status, and other social factors. ...[She has] three ongoing projects: Japanese Americans in Transnational Arizona uses the archive of Japanese American oral histories explores Japanese immigrant community building in relation to transnational empire building and settler colonialism; American Movements: Understanding the Ideological and Institutional Reasoning for Japanese American and American Indian Relocations, 1940-1970 with Dr. Myla Vicenti Carpio explores how U.S. federal policies toward the Japanese American immigrant community and American Indian communities as domestically dependent sovereign nations informed each other; and Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health: Visibility, Equity, and Asian America, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders with Dr. Kathy Nakagawa and Dr. Aggie Yellow Horse seeks to be an introduction for students and community organizations. ...{[Dr. Leong also] co-organize[s] and co-teach[es] oral history workshops for Japanese American, Pacific Islander, and Native American communities, and to work with K-12 educators in Arizona to create a curriculum about the Japanese American WWII experiences of incarceration." Learn more
"Dr. Sojeong (SJ) Nam joined the Counselor Education faculty [in the College of Education and Human Sciences] in Fall 2022. Dr. Nam’s research and clinical interests center on mental health disparities including mental health stigma, literacy, and help-seeking among underrepresented and underserved populations, multicultural and social justice counselor education, interventions for depression and suicidality in children and adolescents, and psychometric properties of assessment tools in counseling and counselor education." In 2023, she received the Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color Mentorship Award. Learn more
"Dr. Hyoung “Hank” Lee is a Professor and Chair in the Department of New Mexico at the University of New Mexico. ...Dr. Lee has more than twenty-five years of research experience covering a broad spectrum of topics in radiation detection, nuclear imaging, and medical physics. He has attracted numerous research grants and contracts amounting to ~$32 million and has provided new methods and solutions in nuclear imaging beyond traditional technologies. He has published 116 peer-reviewed journal papers, 41 conference proceedings, edited a book chapter, and registered 11 patents. He was awarded the Minister’s Citation from the Government of South Korea in 2009 and the Young Faculty Award from DARPA in 2012. He is a Senior Member of SPIE and IEEE and a member of ANS and AAPM. Also, he was the Chair of Isotopes and Radiation Division of ANS from 2016 to 2017." Learn more
Dr. Eva Chi is Professor, Regents' Lecturer and Associate Chair in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. She writes: "Our multidisciplinary research program is focused on understanding the underlying interactions that drive the structure, dynamics, and function of biomolecular assemblies. We are particularly interested in protein assemblies and their related biological consequences. For example, the misfolding and assembly of intrinsically disordered amyloid proteins into ordered fibrillar aggregates underlie the pathogenesis of a myriad of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. As the abnormal protein assembly process is believed to occur decades before the onset of symptoms, they are ideal biomarkers and therapeutic targets. We are working on developing novel molecular probes for sensing amyloid protein aggregates that can lead to early disease detection and intervention." Learn more
Dr. Abhaya Datye, Distinguished Regents' Professor, "...has been on the faculty at the University of New Mexico since 1984 after receiving his PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Michigan (advisor Johannes Schwank). He has authored 250 publications, 7 patents and has presented 166 invited lectures around the world. His published work has received 22,221 citations with an h-index of 77 (Google Scholar). He is a fellow of the AIChE, the Microscopy Society of America and The Royal Society of Chemistry. He has been actively involved in the North American Catalysis Society, serving as co-chair for the Denver NAM 2017, program co-chair for the Snowbird NAM 1995 and Vice Chair for the International Catalysis Congress 2020. He was the Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis in 2010. He has served on the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Advisory board (2014 – 2020) and on the Frontiers of Catalysis board at Haldor Topsoe in Denmark. He was elected as a board member for the North American Catalysis Society (2017-2021 & 2021 – 2024) and he is serving on the Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences (BESAC) advisory committee." Learn more
"Sanjeev Arora, MD is a Professor in tthe Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology and the Founder and Director of Project ECHO at the UNM Cancer Center (Cancer Control & Population Science). He writes: "... I developed the ECHO model as a platform for service delivery, education and evaluation. Using videoconferencing technology and case-based learning, primary care clinicians from rural and underserved areas are trained and mentored by ECHO’s medical specialists to deliver best-practice management of complex health conditions in their communities. A key component of the ECHO model is its innovative Knowledge Networks, in which the expertise of a single specialist is shared with numerous primary clinicians through teleECHO clinics, increasing access to care in rural areas without having to recruit, retain and fund additional providers." In 2023, Dr. Arora was named a 2023 New Mexico Humanitarian Award Recipient by the New Mexico Humanitarian Awards committee for his ground breaking work with Project ECHO. The award recognizes New Mexicans who have done extraordinary work and set an example for others by demonstrating a passion for philanthropy, human welfare, social reform, and values-based investing. Read more
"Distinguished Professor Hua Guo is a theoretical and computational chemist in the UNM Department of Chemistry. Guo was elected American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow for his "...distinguished contributions to the field of computational and theoretical chemistry, particularly for theoretical modeling and predictions of chemical reaction dynamics." Using various theoretical tools, Guo research group investigates the mechanisms and dynamics of surface reactions related to heterogeneous catalysis, particularly those involved in energy conversion. His research group is interested in these studies of electronic and vibrational spectra and reaction dynamics of polyatomic molecular systems. These molecular systems are prevalent in gaseous environments such as interstellar clouds, atmospheres, and in combustion. Guo’s group develops and applies quantum mechanical solutions to understand these fundamental processes." Read more
Vinay Harpalani, JD, PhD is a Professor in the UNM School of Law. "...He was the recipient of the 2017 Derrick A. Bell, Jr. Awardfrom the Association of American Law Schools Section on Minority Groups; and [received] the 2016 Junior Teaching Faculty Award from the Society of American Law Teachers. His scholarship focuses on the intersections between race, education, and law, as he explores the nuances of racial diversity and identity from various disciplinary perspectives. His writings have covered topics such as affirmative action in university admissions, racial ambiguity, skin color discrimination, and the psychological development of racial identity. Professor Harpalani’s 2012 law review article, Diversity Within Racial Groups and the Constitutionality of Race-Conscious Admissions, which was published in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law, was cited in eight U.S. Supreme Court amicus briefs in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin I and II, and was quoted (with citation omitted) in Justice Samuel Alito’s dissent in Fisher II."Read more
Read Dr. Harpalani's article Understanding the Nuances: Diversity Among Asian American Pacific Islanders (5/2021)
Frances Hayashida, PhD is Professor of Anthropology and the Director of the UNM Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII). Dr. Hayashida brings to the LAII a distinguished record of scholarship and teaching on Latin America in the field of Archaeology, and a strong set of connections to scholars in South America. Her research examines states and empires, political economy, political ecology, agriculture and water management in arid environments, ritual practices, human impacts on the environment, craft production, beer brewing, ethnohistory, ethnoarchaeology, and archaeometry in Andean South America (Peru and Chile). She recently published a co-edited volume Rethinking the Inka: Community, Landscape and Empire in the Southern Andes. She and her co-editors were the 2023 recipients of Society for American Archaeology's Book Award in the Scholarly category. Read more
Yan Lin, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the UNM Geography & Environmental Studies department and at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center. She is "...a geographer in GIS and health/medical geography with a research focus on the development of GIS and spatial analysis methods as well as their applications to gain a better understanding of relationships between human health, society, and the environment. [Her] research in GIS engages broadly in spatial analysis and modeling, and particularly spatial accessibility modeling, air pollution exposure modeling, and web-based spatial demographic research. [Her] research in health/medical geography is focused on cancer disparities and environmental spatial epidemiology." Learn more
Kiwoong Park, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Sociology. He co-authored a recent paper published in PLOS ONE entitled Assessing COVID-19 Risk with Temporal Indices and Geographically Weighted Ordinal Logistic Regression in US Counties which examines "...three temporal dimensions of the COVID-19 infection risk in US counties, namely probability of occurrence, duration of the pandemic, and intensity of transmission, and investigate local patterns of the factors associated with these risks." Read more
Roli Varma, PhD is the Carl Hatch Endowed Professor and UNM Regents' Lecturer in the UNM School of Public Administration. "Dr. Varma's research focuses on women and minorities in information technology, Asian immigrants in the science and engineering workforce, the management of industrial research, and professional ethics. Dr. Varma's research has been supported by the National Science Foundation and the Sloan Foundation. She is the author of Harbingers of Global Change: India's Techno-Immigrants in the United States (2006, 2007) and Managing Industrial Research Effectively (2006). Dr. Varma is an invited member of the Social Science Advisory Board of the National Center of Women in Information Technology (NCWIT)in the USA." Her most recent article Challenges and Opportunities: Asian Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics has just been published in American Behavioral Scientist. Read more
Jingjing Wang, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Economics at [UNM], specializing in environmental and natural resource economics. Her research focuses on the role of public policy in internalizing externalities and the performance of markets for efficient resource allocation in the context of environment, agriculture, and water. She uses quantitative tools such as integrated modeling, dynamic optimal control, and applied econometrics to solve real-world questions. Her research program is interdisciplinary and model-driven. Representative projects include urban water conservation, water trading across different sectors, livestock manure management coupled with bioenergy production, and nitrogen management in arid-land ecosystems." Learn more
"Yuting Yang, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of New Mexico, specializing in environmental and energy economics. At present, her research program is broadly focused on applied theory analysis of policy-related issues, mainly in the context of energy transition towards green and sustainable energy use. Dr. Yang received her BA in International Economics from Zhejiang University (China), her MA in Economics Development from the Vanderbilt University, and her PhD in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics (France)." She recently published an article in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management entitled Electricity Interconnection with Intermittent Renewables. Read more
"Su Zhang, PhD is the Associate Director at the Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC) at the University of New Mexico. ...Dr. Zhang received his PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of New Mexico in 2017. He also has Master’s Degrees in GIScience and Construction Management. His research focuses on leveraging GIS, remote sensing, and drone technologies for infrastructure management and he has many peer-reviewed publications in this field. His project experience includes GIS/Remote Sensing applications for Geomasking, Transportation Infrastructure Condition Assessment, Emergency Management, and Web Mapping...Dr. Zhang is a member of New Mexico Geographic Information Council (NMGIC). He is also a committee member of the U.S. Transportation Research Board (TRB)." Read more
"[Dr. Yolanda Lin, the new Director of the ASPIRE Program and Assistant Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies at UNM,] develops computational tools and methods in disaster risk analysis for identifying, analyzing, and communicating extreme events. In particular, [she is] interested in low-probability, high-impact, data-sparse events at the intersection of natural hazards, the built environment, and society. [She focuses] on the nonlinear impacts in disasters that can have significant implications for our understanding of past, current, and future risk at the city and regional scales. [She uses] both probabilistic and event-based approaches to study risk through multiple lenses, including engineering, hazard science, and social science. This work contributes towards disaster preparedness and mitigation, ultimately as a way to build more resilient communities." She was one of two professors to win the 2023 UNM Faculty Mentored Research Award. Learn more
"Dr. [Shinsuke] Eguchi characterizes themselves as a Critical Cultural Communication scholar. ... Dr. Eguchi's research and teaching interests are in Critical Cultural Studies; International and Intercultural Communication; Interpersonal Communication; Gender, Sexuality, and Queer Studies; Race and Ethnic Studies; Asian/American Studies; and Performance Studies. Dr. Eguchi is a recipient of the 2019 Randy Majors Award - annually recognizing an individual who has made outstanding contributions to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender scholarship in communication studies - bestowed by the National Communication Association's (NCA) Caucus on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns." They developed and teach the new COMM 1996-001 Introduction to Asian American Studies, first offered during the Spring 2023 semester. Learn more
White House: A Proclamation on Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month
"During Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, our Nation celebrates the diversity of cultures, breadth of achievement, and remarkable contributions of these communities; of brave immigrants who, motivated by the promise of possibilities, picked up their lives and found new homes here; of native peoples who have stewarded these lands since time immemorial; and of community leaders shaping a brighter future for us all. Throughout our history, they have represented the bigger story of who we are as Americans and embodied the truth that our diversity is our strength as a Nation." Read the full proclamation on the White House website
Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage (AAPI) Month
"This month, we celebrate the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) communities, whose ingenuity, grit, and perseverance have pushed our great American experiment forward. From Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders whose ancestors have called their lands home for hundreds of years to Asian immigrants who have newly arrived and those whose families have been here for generations — AA and NHPI heritage has long been a part of the history of our great country and a defining force in the soul of our Nation. As artists and journalists, doctors and engineers, business and community leaders, and so much more, AA and NHPI peoples have shaped the very fabric of our Nation and opened up new possibilities for all of us." Read more
White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) and the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center
"The White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) and the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center are proud to present our joint 2024 theme for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) Heritage Month: “Bridging Histories, Shaping Our Future.”...The 2024 theme is an homage to our ancestors and invites all Americans to delve into the legacies, triumphs, and challenges that have shaped AA and NHPI communities. It embodies the spirit of our collective journey – one rooted in resilience and hope – and encourages us to forge intergenerational connections to honor our past and pave a durable path forward.
The White House and WHIAANHPI will use this theme to foster discussions during our May activities, including a landmark celebration on May 13, 2024, at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, DC. This historic convening, uniting over 1,000 AA and NHPI leaders spanning five presidential administrations, will mark the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the White House Initiative and the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders during the Clinton Administration." Sign up to receive the livestream link here
Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC) Announces 2024 National AANHPI Heritage Month Theme: "Advancing Leaders Through Innovation''
"The Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC), the premier organization representing Asian American, Native Hawai’ian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) employees in the Federal and District of Columbia governments, is proud to announce the 2024 National AANHPI Heritage Month Theme: "Advancing Leaders Through Innovation''. This year's theme is a continuation of the "Advancing Leaders'' series that began in 2021. "Advancing Leaders Through Innovation," pays homage to the visionaries and trailblazers who have shaped our AANHPI history and continue to influence our collective future. Innovation, resilience, and a pioneering spirit are cornerstones of American leadership. AANHPI leaders have made lasting contributions to our Nation’s economic prosperity, technological advancements, and social/political change through their ingenuity and creativity while navigating significant cultural and systemic barriers. In celebration of the 2024 theme, FAPAC invites all employees of the Federal and DC governments, as well as veterans, to the 39th National Leadership Training Program (NLTP) on May 6-9, 2024, at the National Conference Center in Leesburg, VA. The FAPAC NLTP is a reputable training program for current and aspiring public servants that delivers high-quality workshops, networking, and mentorship opportunities, and practical strategies for personal and professional development as it relates to the 2024 theme. During this week-long training, FAPAC will present the Civilian Awards, Uniformed Services Awards, and a $5,000 Distinguished Public Service Scholarship. Current students, recent graduates, and Veterans are also invited to participate in the free career fair and development program and network with attendees at the NLTP. Visit to learn more."
The National Museum of American History: Asian Pacific American History
"Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders can trace their histories to a region that spans more than half the globe. They have played key roles in shaping America's past, leaving an enduring impact in areas such as work, politics, culture, and law. They have done so as immigrants, sojourners, settlers, refugees, citizens, aliens, U.S. nationals, and members of overthrown sovereign kingdoms. Join us in exploring the rich and complex histories of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders through NMAH's collections, exhibitions, archives, and scholarly research."
The National Parks Service Celebrates Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month
"Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have a rich heritage thousands of years old and have both shaped the history of the United States and had their lives dramatically influenced by moments in its history. Every May during Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and throughout the year, the National Park Service and our partners share those histories and the continuing culture thriving in parks and communities today." Visit the National Parks website to watch interviews and learn more
Stories from the VHP: Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander American Veterans
"Today there are more than 300,000 living Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander American veterans. The Library of Congress's Veteran's History Project honors those veterans who have shared their stories, veterans such as Kurt Chew-Een Lee, Jaden Kim, Kenje Ogata, Maginia Sajise Morales, Peter Young and Veasna Rouen. The digital collection Asian Pacific Americans: Going for Broke highlights additional stories from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq. (Library of Congress)."
The Archaeology of Chinese Railroad Workers at Golden Spike National Historic Site
"On May 10, 1869, during an elaborate ceremony at Promontory Summit in Utah, the “Golden Spike” was driven in and the nation’s first Transcontinental Railroad was completed. Newspapers of the time highlighted the corporate “race to Promontory” and technological advancement, and many acknowledged the significant contribution Chinese laborers made to the project. However, these were all second-hand accounts. The voices of the approximately 11,000 Chinese workers who labored on the Railroad faded or were left out entirely. Their day-to-day experiences help tell the full story of how this incredible engineering feat was accomplished." Read more on the Golden Spike National Historic Park website
Japanese-American Internment during World War II
"In his speech to Congress, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, was "a date which will live in infamy." The attack launched the United States fully into the two theaters of World War II. Prior to Pearl Harbor, the United States had been involved in the European war only, by supplying England and other anti-fascist countries of Europe with munitions. The attack on Pearl Harbor also launched a rash of fear about national security, especially on the West Coast. In February 1942, just two months later, President Roosevelt, as commander-in-chief, issued Executive Order 9066 that resulted in the internment of Japanese Americans. The order authorized the Secretary of War and military commanders to evacuate all persons deemed a threat from the West Coast to internment camps, that the government called "relocation centers," further inland." Read more about this historic injustice at the National Archives and visit photographer Patrick Nagatani's website to see images of internment sites
An Archaeologist on the Railroad of Death (Dr. Cyler Conrad, UNM PhD, 2018)
"As a millennial, born in 1989, I grew up with a fascination of wars past, especially movies about World War II. Nothing quite stood out like The Bridge on the River Kwai and the human experience it portrayed. It is only now, as an anthropologist and archaeologist who has conducted research in Thailand and mainland Southeast Asia, that I recognize the intersection between this film, the history of World War II, and archaeological developments within this region. David Lean’s 1957 Hollywood film adaptation of the 1952 novel The Bridge on the River Kwai was a hit. It won seven academy awards and was well-received by the public. The tale is loosely based around real events and people. But it alters the timeline and glosses over the truly horrific experience of prisoners of war—even though the production crew and cast did experience their own bouts of dysentery, leeches, monsoon rains, oppressive heat, and accidental deaths while filming on location in Sri Lanka. The cinematic version was still kinder than the reality." Read the full article
Artist Argus Paul Estabrook Developes Documentary I AM NOT A VIRUS
In collaboration with the Asian American Association of New Mexico, Korean American artist Argus Paul created a documentary project to share their thoughts and experiences in the wave of increased anti-Asian sentiment related to COVID-19. "As a Korean-American artist, I wanted to make a space for people of Asian descent to candidly express their thoughts and experiences. In early April 2020, I reached out to the Asian American Association of New Mexico to help create a collaborative documentary project, I Am Not a Virus. Defined by the restrictions of the pandemic itself, we invited participants to submit self-captured images and writings, which were then processed together to create a series of intimate, narrative-based portraiture. For the sake of anonymity, many participants chose to use pseudonyms." Visit his website to view the images and stories
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Site from the National Archives
"The National Archives holds a wealth of material documenting the Asian and Pacific Islanders experience, and highlights these resources online, in programs, and through traditional and social media." They have developed a website for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month featuring articles, images, and video. Visit the site
The National Archive Asian Pacific American Heritage Month site provides access to a variety of exhibits, documents and information. Explore a variety of artworks made by Asian American artists from the National Gallery of Art's collection. The artworks include paintings, prints, photographs, sculptures, and drawings, and range from the early 20th century to today. There are also video and audio collections.
Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Collection
"The AAPI Collection features more than 230 public radio and television programs in the American Archive of Public Broadcasting from 1965 to 2019 that highlight Asian American and Pacific Islander cultures in the United States. The collection includes interviews with Asian American artists and writers, such as Maya Lin, Aimee Lee, Jhumpa Lahiri, Amy Tan, and Frank Chin."
The Model Minority Myth
"Since its introduction in popular media more than a half century ago, the term “model minority” has often been used to refer to a minority group perceived as particularly successful, especially in a manner that contrasts with other minority groups. The term could, by its definition and logic, be applied to any number of groups defined by any number of criteria, but it is perhaps most commonly used to frame discussions of race. In particular, the model minority designation is often applied to Asian Americans, who, as a group, are often praised for apparent success across academic, economic, and cultural domains—successes typically offered in contrast to the perceived achievements of other racial groups.
The model minority argument, however, is not without controversy and has earned the labels of stereotype and myth as critics have taken aim at both its premises and conclusions. Many point to the purpose of the argument as disingenuous insofar as it is intended to drive a wedge between different disadvantaged groups. Others claim that it is misleading because performance metrics and even representation figures do not speak to many of the biases that persist today."
Read more on Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession website The Practice
Dr. Lewis Binford and Chinese Anthropology (written by Dr. Meng Zhang, UNM PhD, 2019)
Shijia Zhan’s Ph.D dissertation (2018, Jilin University) systematically studied Binford’s visit to China in 1985. Supported by the L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, Dr. Lewis Binford and his then-wife Nancy Stone, and Dr. Chuan Kun Ho and his then-wife Aiguo Wang visited a series of archaeological sites in northern China between May 21st and July 16th, 1985. Their visit was invited by Professor Lanpo Jia at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Lew presented his research at the IVPP, Shanxi University, Shanxi Normal University, Northwest University, Beijing University, and Harbin. Paleolithic archaeological sites they visited include Zhoukoudian (Beijing), Dingcun (Shanxi), Lantian (Shaanxi), Yanjiagang and Guxiangtun (Heilongjiang). Though the corporative research plan finally failed because of several reasons, including miscommunication and difference of archaeological paradigm between the two countries, it opened a window for the future opportunities. For example, Dr. J. Desmond Clark as a co-working investigator participated the Chinese-American excavation in the Nihewan Basin in 1990. Numerous American Paleolithic archaeologists and Paleoanthropologists visited China and provided courses or talks, such as George Odell, Mary Stiner, Steven Kuhn, Rick Potts, Robert Kelly, etc. Dr. Xing Gao, the head of Paleolithic committee, Chinese society of Archaeology, working at the IVPP, was trained at the University of Arizona and got his PhD there in 1999. Dr. Shengqian Chen, the only PhD under Binford’s supervision (SMU 2004), has translated In Pursuit of the Past into Chinese and continued to inspire students and young scholars to deeply understand Binford’s thoughts and the New Archaeology and apply them into archaeological practice.
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