Dr. Catherine Rhodes featured in Society for Linguistic Anthropology Blog
Departmental News
Posted: May 24, 2021 - 01:00pm

Dr. Rhodes writes: In the fall of 2019, I tried out a new assignment with students. Replacing an essay, instead I asked students to submit a product of their choosing that would allow them to communicate a linguistic anthropological concept to individuals who had no background in anthropology or in the study of ‘language.’ Among the things they created were brochures, a song, advertisements, video vignettes, and a radio spot. In our course, we focused on developing an understanding of ‘language’ as a socially enacted, communicative system that people situationally mobilize in daily life to accomplish social work. We questioned what we thought we knew and stretched the bounds of our understanding of ‘language.’ Students worked to come to understand ‘language’ and other communicative phenomena as key means through which social work is done, such as how sociological differentiators like ‘gender’ and ‘race’ become socially salient. Read more